Mannington Fire Department Roster - 2009-10
James N. Moran
Deputy Chief:
Chris A. Efaw
Assistant Chief:
Paul Tennant
Larry Smith
Bob Dye
John Higgins
Gary Carpenter
Bobbie Ice
James R. Troy Jr.
Frank Harvey
Don Levelle
Andy Price
Robbie Ice
James Leeson II
Jason Powell
Logan Reed
Tim Jolliffe
Adam Dillon
Jason Hayes
Seth Barker
Shawn Jones
Robert Roberts
Rick Rinehart
Jason Jones
Brandon Riggs
Earl Smith
Locator Officer:
Melvin Wright
If you would be interested in joining the Mannington Fire Department you can pickup an application from
the fire department or from any member. To be a member of the Mannington Fire Department you must live in the City of
Mannington or within 1 mile of the Mannington City Limits. Anyone that lives North of Mannington on Husky Highway or
its branches may also join the department through our Metz Sub-station.
Contacting us;
Mannington Fire Department 101 Clayton
Street Mannington, WV 26582
Phone: (304) 986-3251
Fax: (304) 986-3251
