It's always good to love your
country. After all,
it's where you live. Here are some tips that can help you discover how
great your country really
and truly is!
Encourage children to love their country so they will have respect
someday as a citizen. This is the best way to set a positive
example. As children grow older, explain to them why you feel they
should hold their country in high regard. Remember that blind
patriotism can be dangerous. Encourage your children to use their
minds. | |
Don't be prejudiced or biased. Every country, religion, or racial
group has its own beliefs. Like them you have your own so respect
yours and respect them for theirs. | |
Abusing your country or taking advantage of any of its systems or
programs is not a good way to show your love. Such corrupt action
goes against the goodwill that should be at the core of your
patriotism. | |
You certainly do not have to agree with every event and decision made in your country's history to love your country. Consider how the country recovered from mistakes, as well as its ideology as described in some guiding document (such as a constitution). Although such principles are not absolute, reflect on whether these precepts are conducive to a government you think would act with its citizens -- and humanity's -- best interests at heart. |
For people to believe you love your country, make sure you know
the verses to your national anthem, have some trivial knowledge of
founding fathers, national history, current events, and cultural
heroes. | |
Don't love your country so much that it makes you hate other
countries. Each and every country on this planet is great in its
own right. | |
Don't succumb to blind patriotism. |