Heave a happy sigh, curl up in your chair, and enjoy.


Before we get started (No, dammit, I want to start now!), remember there are some rules to 'shipping which might dictate a romance not be a shipfic, and therefore in the other, non-shippy section of the DC Fanfiction pages:


1) The paired couple has to be officially un-paired in canon. A Lois & Clark romance, for example, would go into the non-ship section of this site. If they ever happened to divorce in the comics, then it would then be a shipfic.

            a) The exception to this is a brand new official couple – such as Hawkgirl and GL on the Justice League animated show. This is because we really have no idea if it will last beyond one or two shows. When they get married happily-ever-after, then it isn't really a 'shipfic.

            b) Dating is not 'officially paired'. And, if the audience knows that a marriage takes place with a lie behind it, it should also be considered a 'shipfic. For example, Phoebe and Cole in Charmed: they get married, but we know he's bad; therefore, it is more than likely their marriage will be under terrible strain and might collapse = shipfic.


2) It must be between two characters in canon, and preferably lead characters. If a secondary character is used, that is also fine – but a character created by the author for the purpose of a romantic interest does not a shipfic make. It's a romance, but not a shippy one.

            a) One exception to the 'characters in canon' rule is a one-time character – a character created for exactly one episode or book also does not a shipfic make. Again, it is just a romance then, primarily because one episode or book usually does not give a character enough depth – in essence, the author is taking the character and creating its personality as they would a character of their own (but with a little help from the official writers).









One final note: obviously, I am partial to Batman/Wonder Woman shipfics, but I am excited by any well-written shipfic or fanfic. That said, you'll notice that I've included some other couples as well – but the majority is still Batman/Wonder Woman, and will likely stay that way.


If you know of a really great story for DC Fanfiction, but I haven't included it here, feel free to e-mail me to suggest it – I may have missed it in my search for great fic, or simply forgot it when I was making this site. And, if you are a Batman/Wonder Woman shippy author and your fic or your name isn't here, please don't take offense – it was most likely an oversight on my part, and please e-mail me to let me know. I will not guarantee its inclusion, however; partially because I'm too lazy to constantly update the site, and partially because I'm afraid that if I start adding every suggested piece, this site will become my life.


Also, I am doing my best to include only finished pieces on this site, with the exception of some fics that I think are worth a look even partially finished. If you suggest a fic that is not completed, please be aware that unless I'm blown away by the writing, then I probably won't link to it yet.


Alright, enough of that boring stuff, now on to the fun:



Art Credits: Brian Bolland