To 'ship, or not to 'ship, that is the question.


Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous canon, or to bear arms against a sea of mediocrity as published by DC…


Okay, that's bullshit. I love DC – that's why I give them so much of my money every month. Their heroes are the original, the iconic, and though I may have strayed from time to time away from the company, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman always end up dragging me right back in.


You have probably been pulled in, too – by the comics, or the animated series , or a movie – or you wouldn't be here.


Or maybe you ran across a piece of fanfiction, and read something unexpected. Something new. That's what happened to me, and what got me interested in writing Batman/Wonder Woman shipfics. First came Adrian, then Tracey Claybon and superninja, then Artemis. Here, take a look (clicking the thumbnail will open their pages in another window):


    Adrian Tullberg – my first Batman/Wonder Woman experience in fanfiction. The classic. The god.


    Tracey Claybon – redefining the Big Three, creating the Trinity.


    superninja – a fresh, persuasive voice for the Batman/Wonder Woman 'shippers.


    Artemis – taking the shipfics in some unexpected directions, both dark and light.


    The Men In Black – three people who just happen to be guys who inspired and informed my writing             and interpretations of Batman.


All of these authors inspired and challenged me to write my own fics, found here:


    Meljean Brook/Josephine/Ugly_Girl. (Yep, they are all me.)









These aren't the only shipfics that are worth a mention, however, and I've also created a page of non-Batman/Wonder Woman fics that are simply some of my favorites. They have been listed by author, with a link to their respective stories or profiles at and a few comments from me about the stories or authors. The lists can be found at the following pages:


  Shippers                        Non-shippers


Happy reading!



Art Credits: Adam Hughes, Doug Mahnke/Tom Nguyen