According to oral family histories in both my mothers family and Charlene's mothers' family,there is native american blood in both our lines.In my case,it has been said that there is Cherokee in the Cope line.I am not to sure where,but I suspect either Comfort Bouldin,who was the wife of Stephan Cope,Sr. ,or possibly Elizabeth Tucker,the first wife of John R Cope.I'm leaning towards Comfort,since another descendent of her and Stephen,Johanna Meeks Ries, also mentioned to me a Cherokee connection.She was also born in Kentucky,but have not been able to find any Bouldin in Kentucky.
As for Charlene,it has been said that her great-grandfather, Franklin Keenan, was adopted by Andrew Keenan and Mary Snider, and that he was actually Chickasaw. A distant Dart cousin told us on a visit to Crawford County, Illinois in May of 2006 that Franklin was refferred to as an Indian.