Family Histories
This page provides links to histories to the major families in our genealogy.
The histories contain info on the family mentioned,as well as a few other families,and what other
information I have that is not available in my ancestorial records.I will also include names of people
and their e-mail address(if any) that have helped me over the years for that particular family.If you would like
your name added,or deleted,please let me know.There may well be some mention of where various families
migrated to in America.Eventualy,I will also include some graphics,mainly maps,showing where people came from
and lived and the ever important location of cemetaries.I will include directions to some in this current
set-up.Just for the record,as of 16 Feb,1997 I have well over 15,000 individuals on PAF,which
is over 10,000 more than I have on my ancesteral web pages.So,there is a slight chance that I have some info
on your line.On each page,I will list the total number of descendents that I have for the family or families from
that web page.
As more people contact me,I will add more informaion to each page.I may eventualy
have to split some of the larger family groups up and make more pages.
COPE---This covers the COPE family of Tennessee,including some information on the NORTHCUTT and MEEKS families.
DENISE---The DENISE family also includes the SCHENK,SEALS,COUVENHONEN/VANCOUWENHOVEN/CONOVER and related families.
FELLA---My FELLA page includes the HENKE,ROTERT, and WEITTHOFF lines.
FRANCE---The FRANCE,SHIRLEY & TAYLOR lines of southeastern Ohio.Married into the WOODARD line
FROMHOLD---Includes the FROMHOLD/FROMHOLT history back into Germany,as well as how and where the family spread to in America.Also has the MERK family of southern Indiana.
GEBHART---This covers the move of the GEBHART family from Germany to Pennsylvania and then on to Ohio.Also includes the McCray line.
HOBSON---The HOBSON family,including allied family,KINNISON.
JONES---The JONES & TROUT families of southeastern OHIO.
KEHRLE---The KEHRLE & RETTICH family,including information of German origan.
NATIVE AMERICAN---This page covers the suspected Native American lines in both of our families.
SMITH---The SMITH family of Bledsoe Co,Tennesee and allied families the ROBERSON and FUQUA.
SWOPE---The SWOPE,MILLER and ELLISON families of West Virginia and Virginia,probably my most requested families,by far the largest percentage of my data goes to these three families combined.
VARNER---The VARNER family of Hamilton Co,Tennessee.
WILKLOW---The WILKLOW family of Ulster Co,New York and Logan Co,Ohio.Includes information on GIBSON family of Darke Co,Ohio as well.
WOODARD---The WOODARD family of southeatern Ohio,as well as the BEERS & BENNETT families of southern New England.
I can be reached at
last updated 16 Feb,1997