This family has been researched extensivly by the gentleman listed below.He provided me with most of the early WILKLOW information. Him and I have both have had trouble in finding more living descendents,seems that research doesn't run in the blood in this family.

Fredrick WILKLOW came from Germany sometime before 1762,when he married Anna GLASER in Ulster County, New York.He is the progeneter of tthe WILKLOW family in America.They had 7 children,most of the descendents of the next few generations stayed in the Ulster County area.One of the exceptions being a grandson John WILKLOW.

JOhn WILKLOW,the 3great-grandfather to Charlene,married Katherine (Surname unknown at this time) in Ulster County and had a few children before they moved west,settling on a farm in Bokes Creek Twp of Logan County,Ohio.One of their children,Emaline,married a LeVALLEY,and there are some of their descendents still living in the Logan County area.

Charlene is descended from their son Myron WILKLOW.He married Sarah SMITH,possibly the daughter of Soloman & Nancy SMITH,who she is buried next too.Myron jooined the Union forces late in the war,and died in a Army hospital in New York,not sure at this time of what cause.His remains were returned to Logan County for burial.Another brother to Myron,John,also served in the military during the war.Other than Charlens' line,I do not have much information on the lines of other descendents after 1920.Almira WILKLOW,the third child of Myron & Sarah,married James GIBSON.They had at least 5 children,I have most of the information on all descendents.Their last child,Sarah GIBSON,married Chester KEMERLY.

James GIBSON was the son of Jonathon GIBSON and Margaret BIDDINGER.Margaret may have been the daughter of Henry BIDDINGER of Darke County,Ohio.They at first lived in northern Darke County,moving to the Payne,Ohio area about 1880.Jonathon was also a veteran of the cival war,serving in the 92nd OVI Regt.,seeing extensive action in Kentucky,Tennessee and Georgia.Jonathon was the son of Thomas GIBSON and Mary BOLLINGER.The father of Thomas came from Ireland.



    DICK HALSEY--has a lot of info on the Wilklow family,always happy to exchange infornation,can be reached at halsey@vivanet.com