Teams of Our Lady in Oregon

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Why Join?

Quotes from Oregon Teams Members
Read what couples and priests have to say in their own words about how Teams of Our Lady has affected their lives and marriages.
We joined Teams to strengthen our marriage and grow closer to the Lord. We wanted to live our marriage according to God's Will and meet other couples who were doing that also. What a wonderful gift Teams of Our Lady has been to our lives - we have been blessed with such wonderful friends, true spiritual growth and a clear vision of what our marriage should be. Thank you Teams of Our Lady! ~ David & Kathy
We are so blessed to have Teams of Our Lady be a part of our lives! It has changed the spirit of our marriage! ~ Mike & Peg
Teams of Our Lady establishes small communities of sacramental love through marriage. Teams supports Church through the strength of sacramental marriages. Teams enable us to strengthen our marriage with other devoted couples through these small communities that build to the parish community; to the church community; to the national community. Through the grace of God, our sacrament has grown through Teams. ~ Mike and Linda
Teams of Our Lady has blessed us with the opportunity to pray together.   We didn't pray together before except at Mass.  ~ Duane & Nancy
Teams has brought us closer to God in every aspect of our lives. The graces and blessings have enriched our lives. We have also met so may wonderful couples with similar minds, goals, values and desires for their lives and sacramental marriages. We are truly blessed. ~ Anonymous Couple
Teams of Our Lady has offered us the opportunity to pray together, discuss our spirituality and meet other dedicated Catholic couples. We are blessed with a team that holds each other accountable and enjoys the fellowship of laughter and love! We have gotten to know couples that challenge us to go deeper spiritually and value our sacramental marriage. TOOL is a blessing to our marriage and our family! ~ Tim & Paddy
Because of TOOL we are listening to each other a lot better, we are praying together and are setting goals.  We are also enjoying our differences more.  ~ Bill & Sharon
We always knew we had a good marriage, but Teams has helped us to realize that God wants so much more for us. ~ Tim & Stephenie
We have been in Bible Studies and they were wonderful. Teams however, focuses our mind and spirit on our walk with Christ, and does so specifically with regards to our Sacrament. For us it is the closest thing we have found to a religious rule for the married life. We are part of a small community that is part of a larger community where ecclesia is exemplified in a most real way. Teams has dramatically changed our lives for the better. ~ Rob & Sharla
After just 6 months, we are enjoying growing closer to Christ together.  Our prayer life has especially thrived.  We thank God for our friends who invited us to this ministry.  It's great being with other young couples who share our faith and values. ~ Mark & Julie
The foundation of the Church is holy marriages.  How can our children and church be holy if our marriages are not holy?  How can we sanctify the world and build a civilization of love if the holiness of Jesus is not our number one priority?  Teams of Our Lady seek to build up the perfect happiness, holiness and love of Jesus in marriages leading to a revolution of holiness and love in our children, church and civilization.  I wish that every couple who has entered into the sacrament of marriage could come into the happiness, holiness and love of God that Teams of Our Lady so actively seeks. ~ Fr. John

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