Volunteer Information
Our volunteers construct houses, serve on committees, file, answer phones, recruit volunteers, seek donations, give presentations to groups and more. This gift of time allows us to fulfill our mission. They range from students to retirees, from skilled trades people to weekend do-it-yourselfers, from church and synagogue members to co-workers from large and small businesses. The common desire is to take part in something meaningful – to help build affordable quality homes for qualified working families.
Our Volunteer Opportunities page has a brief description of our needs.
To volunteer or just request additional information you may contact us by;
- France Fitzpatrick - Event and Volunteer Coordinator
- Office Phone: (503) 537-9938
- Fax: (503) 554-1999
- Email: france@newberghabitat.org
- US Mail: PO Box 118, Newberg, OR 97132