House Mouse Quilts

On this web site, you’ll be able to see and purchase the quilts and quilted gift items I’ve been making. And you will be able to order custom quilted items.

I’ve also setup "links" to some of my favorite web sites. And if there’s enough interest, we may also start selling quilts and related items on consignment. If you have any ideas what you’d like to see, please let me know.

So please come visit again. I'll be adding new products, new links, and new quilt pictures.



CLICK HERE to E-mail Me

Our Services - Read about our Custom Quilting Services

Links Page - Some of my favorite Web places

Quilts Gallery - Pictures of Quilts (Not For Sale)

Adopt-A-Quilt - Quilts for sale

Quilted Gift Items - Make Someone Happy !

Non-Quilted Gift Items - Hand-Sewn Gifts!

Guarantee & Misc - Our Promise to You - Payment Information - Miscellaneous.