There are thousands of organizations, each with a specific purpose or
goal. There are so many reasons why one should consider becoming part of an organization in ours believes. By building
an effective web site, we wish to get in touch and send our message out to a larger Hmong audience of people who interested
in similar issues help to build stronger community, to have a better future and to help close the gerneration gap
in ours community. On this home page, we introduce our organization,
which we have established it since 1999, build relationship in the Hmong Community and will also build
a bridge between the Hmong Community to other Communitiers.
The Hmong people, who move here for other state and want resettlement in
the State of Oregon need help we will assist and help them. Many of us have lived in the State of Oregon since 1976, and
most of us settled in the earlier 1980. We were over 4500 people resided in the three counties most of us lived in Multnomah
County. Most of Hmong Clans have moved to California in the earlier 1982 after that we only have 560 people
actually lived in Oregon State since we refuged from Thailand (Laos). Now many of them returned back to Oregon in the
earlier 1997 to build their future dream home, retirement in the Pacific Northerwest.
We have been living in the State more than thirty years ago. In three
decades ago when we refuged and came to Oregon for our future homeland. Our homeland is third world in where
we came from and now we are here to the future and want to stay connect with the mainstream. We are sure that it
is a big gap between the parents and children in our culture and customs believe or life style, so that then we established Hmong
Association of Oregon, Inc. to bring the elderly and youngster together to close the big gap in where many families
supperate apart. We want to keep Hmong Language, Culture, Heritage, etc..and Celebration Hmong New Year for many
years to come.
this <WEBSITE> is not completed yet. It is underconstruction