Curtis Smith
About Me

me My love for photography began in the 1960s. My first camera was a second hand Kodak Brownie Hawkeye, Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera which had originally belonged to my mother. And from there I moved up to my first 35mm, a second hand Argus C3 35mm camera Argus C3, which originally belonged to my father. He had purchased it while he was in the Army in 1955.

And then I mowed lawns all one summer to save up enough to buy a Sears TLS SLR SearsTls camera. In High School I was a photographer for the school newspaper and found myself spending many hours in the darkroom. The assignment kept me busy for a couple of years.

D780 85mm Fast forward to today. Analog cameras are no longer part of my work flow. Instead you will find me using the latest Nikon digital cameras and lenses.

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