Howard Rohrabaugh

My Professional Profile

About Me


my picture
Figure 1. Me relaxing, but being productive.

I had several ideas over the years after high school graduation of what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a meteorologist, an electrician, veterinarian, and a computer technician. I finally made a clear decision after buying my first computer; I wanted to get into the field of computers. My next decision was where do I get my education? I searched for quite some time and finally heard a great deal about Ivy Tech, so I decided to go there and major in Computer Information Systems and minor in PC Support/Administration. I graduated from Ivytech in May of 2008 with an Associate’s degree in Computer Information Systems. After graduating from Ivytech, I had another decision to make, it was clear to me that I wanted to gain my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, the decision was what school to go to accomplish this next goal?

I toured both the IPFW and Indiana Tech campuses. I had my heart set on IPFW before the tours, but decided on Indiana Tech after the tours. I liked IPFW's software discounts, but the class sizes and scheduling wouldn't have worked too well for me.Indiana Tech has smaller class sizes, accelerated classes and helped me in getting a great deal of grant monies at the state and federal levels. I graduated from Indiana Tech in July of 2011. I am currently enrolled in the Microsoft Virtual Academy taking free courses so I can keep updated on the newest technologies available today.I have completed 14 courses which include Windows 7 Deployment, various Windows 10 courses, Visual Basic Community 2015 courses. I will describe this in further detail below in the Education section.I have also had the opportunity to build four computers and fix several computers, including my own systems. I am currently working on a full-size system, which will eventually have 16 GB of DDR 3 RAM, 12 TB of storage, 1 GB of video RAM, two optical drives, and sufficient ventilation. I had chosen one of the top cases for this project and that is a Thermaltake, which has done very great for me thus far.



Indiana Tech

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From August 2008 until May 2011, I went to Indiana Tech College on Washington Boulevard east of downtown Fort Wayne. I graguated with a Bachelors degree for Information systems and a GPA of 3.91. In this time I had taken the following core classes: Disaster Recovery, Information Security, Technical Project Management, Visual Basic .NET, Java Basics,and Systems Analysis snd Design. Other Course I had taken as follows: Princibles of Management, Business Statistics, English Compsition, Socialogy, and Humanities.

Ivy Tech

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From August 2002 until May 2008 I went to Ivy Tech Community College located on North Anthony Boulevard in Fort Wayne. I graduated with an Associates Degree in Computer Information Systems and a GPA of 3.89. I had taken the following Core classes while enrolled: Windows 2000 Command Lines, Hardware Fundamentals, Database Design, Windows Network Operating Systems, Programming Logic and Design, Advanced Linux, Networking, Data Communications, Micro Operating Systems, and A+ Operating Systems and Hardware.

I am currently enrolled in the Microsoft Virtual Academy and have completed the following courses: Windows 7 Deployment, C# fundamentals for Absolute Beginners, Java Script Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners, Java Script for Experienced Developers, XAML for Windows 10: Layout, Windows 8 Security Insights, Exploring Windows 8, and What's New in Windows 8.1 Update. HTML5 & CSS3 for Absolute Beginners


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From November 25, 2016 to the present I have been working in the Warehouse at Mullinix Packaging as as Forlift Operator. My job duties include the Following:

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From December 2006 to November 23, 2015 I was a Packer on the Production Floor at Mullinix Packaging. I started as a Temp through Manpower and got hired into the company on July 23, 2007. My job duties for this position were as follows:


Learning is my passion.

Copyright ©® 2016 Howard Rohrabaugh, Fort Wayne Computer Clinic