The West Virginia masonry industry plays an important part of the comprehensive building market and is comprised of three
elements: Materials, systems, manufacturers and distributors; contractors who manage or install the masonry materials
and systems; and the bricklayers, craftworkers and all other workers needed to install the materials and systems.
On the manufacturing side, West Virginia is composed of small firms - it does not have any big manufacturing corporations
who dominate the industry or markets. On the masonry contractor side - the BAC District Council of WV - partners with
masonry contractors of all sizes, to complete projects form residential to commercial and industrial. The largest and
most visible organization in the West Virginia masonry industry is the BAC District Council of WV.
Many reasons exist for masonry's marketing success: it has
lower life-cycle cost compared to its competitors, its fire resistance provides both safety and economic advantages.
Its long-lasting: With proper maintenance, there is no maximum life for masonry buildings - some are centuries, even
thousands, of years old. Masonry is durable and can be maintained economically. Masonry materials are natural
materials, with a natural visual appeal. They are colorful, with rich textures. Most masonry materials are relatively
small units which when placed in a wall impart to buildings a human scale that people respond to.
But, BAC District Council of WV built masonry - that is, masonry installed by BAC members and its partner contractors
- has a decisive advantage, not only over non-masonry materials and systems, but also over masonry installed by workers and
contractors with limited skills, training or experience: The only way to gain the benefit of all the inherent values
of masonry is to have it installed by highly skilled BAC District Council of WV members.
Marshall University Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center, Huntington, WV |
Clay Center, Charleston, WV |
Cabela's, Wheeling, WV |
BB & T Bank, Parkersburg, WV |