From the earliest records available my Hill ancestors were descent God-fearing Christian peop le. The rented farm they lived on for so many years on Carrollton Manor was very close to th e Monocacy Monthly Meeting, a very active Quaker Church. Perhaps this association had some in fluence on this Hill family. Interestingly enough, one of the founding families of this Quake r Church was the White family, which was also one of the early families of the Salem ME Churc h. Any connection that may exist between these two White factions is yet undiscovered, but ma kes for a fitting irony at the very least.
In 1835, Robert buried Amelia on the land he had deeded for the Salem ME Church, near the Nor th-East corner of the church. Robert followed her home on November 12th, 1846 and is buried b eside her, next to the foundation of the church building, befitting spot for the founders o f this quaint historic House of Worship.
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