Authentic Kukui Nut Neclace 32" in length with 1" large
beads, polished for a beautiful natural shine and finished off with a satin ribbon.
*Available in Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.
$14.99 Item of
the Week!
Reg 24.00
Authentic Kukui Nut Bracelet with 1" large beads, polished for a beautiful
natural shine and finished off with a satin ribbon. Stretch Bracelet fits
all sizes *Available in Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.
Kukui Neclace & Bracelet
2 Piece Set
Kukui Lei Neclace and matching Bracelet
32" long neclace and stetch bracelet both with 1" large beaded kukui nuts finished off with a satin
In your choice of colors *Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.