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Our Products
On this page we will list all of the products we offer as part of our main product line. Please check in often because we will frequently update the product pages with new items.

Kukui Lei Neclace
Authentic Kukui Nut Neclace 32" in length with 1" large     beads, polished for a beautiful natural shine and finished off with a satin ribbon.  *Available in Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.
$14.99 Item of the Week!
Reg 24.00


Kukui Beaded Bracelet
Authentic Kukui Nut Bracelet with 1" large beads, polished for a beautiful natural shine and finished off with a satin ribbon.  Stretch Bracelet fits all sizes *Available in Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.


Kukui Neclace & Bracelet
2 Piece Set
Kukui Lei Neclace and matching Bracelet
32" long neclace and stetch bracelet both with 1" large beaded kukui nuts finished off with a satin ribbon.
In your choice of colors *Classic Black, Cream, Brown, and Tiger.
$20.00 Reg. 30.00


Kukui Nut
Kukui Jewelry is so Cute For Summer
You've seen them on Celebrities, in magazines, in stores
This Boho style has actually been around for centuries as it is native to the Phillipenes and Hawaii.  It was once wore only by the best; and belonged to Hawain Royalty, as it was a sign of wealth and prestige.
This week only: $14.99 neclaces 
 $20 for a 2-piece set