GRCH HBCH Fire River Michael
CH Strongbow Chip Off The Block
GRCH Strongbow Briarhill Dahli
GRCH Strongbow Summer Storm
Echo Run Jumping Jack Flash
GRCH White River Golden Tigger
HBCH GRCH Fire River Gold Queen
Luci-Van Boog
Luci-Van Little Man
Luci-Van Nancy
Beavers Bud
Swamp Bottom Beagle Bailey
Shine Crek Pebblestone
Ball's Spring Blossom
GRCH Strongbow Rachels Frog (dam)
Echo Run Jumping Jack Flash
GRCH FS Strongbow Briarhill's Buster
Loverly Too Hot To Touch
HBCH GRCH Fire River Gold Queen
Ward Jake II
HBCH GRCH FS Fire River Lacy
Wark Susie
Note: All the dogs names and titles listed in the pedigree are UKC.