-BFI Defensive Tactics-  (BFI DT-1)

Defensive Tactics (DT-1)

This three hour course is designed to show you how to incorporate your voice, Martial Arts moves and Self Defense Tools that will help you better defend yourself in a physical encounter, where a firearm is not available to you. All ages are welcome. No matter what your age or size you will be able to learn these skills and use them immediately.
"A person of small stature can learn the skills needed to resist attacks from persons over 300 pounds".

Taken from the traditional styles of Boxing, Mui-Tai, TaiChi, Aikido, Jujitsu's, Taekwondo, Judo and Karate's, the student learns moves that will enable them to handle a variety of situations.

Without the knowledge of skills like these, having a firearm or pepper spray is of little or no use, if you are physically compromised, and lose the ability to use your spray or handgun.

You don't need prior knowledge of self defense art form(s). If you have never done anything like this before, you will be able to learn these simple skills and with practice incorporate them for use when you need them.

This is a hands on course which requires you to participate in the learning process.
You will need to wear loose fitting clothing which will allow you to move freely and get down on the floor. Tennis shoes are best for the feet.
This course is as close to the "real thing" as you can get, without actually being in a violent physical encounter.

The course fee is $50.00 per person. This course is good for the whole family, single females/males or couples.
** Call for course locations.

This course can be offered as a one time class, or as an ongoing class ("Mon-Som Do"), allowing you to stay in shape and continually learn new moves, that you can incorporate into your defense.

Through the continual practice of these moves, you will be preparing your mind as well as your body to respond as a reflex, in the event that you may need to defend yourself.
"Without the proper mental & physical preparation, any skill you have will be of little use".

* Travel expenses charged for any classes taught outside of the Seattle Metro area.

defensive tactics
defensive tactics
defensive tactics
defensive tactics

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