Carlson for LWSD

The Issues
Meet Chris

As the parent of small children, do you have the time to fulfill the duties of a director?

Whether I could fit the role of School Board Director into an already busy schedule was my most serious reservation in deciding to run. Fortunately, my wife is exceptionally supportive of this choice, so with her help, I have identified other obligations that can be scaled back to make the necessary time commitment for the position.

You've been actively involved in efforts to restore a balance between conceptual understanding and computational fluency in K-12 mathematics education. Are you a one issue candidate?

Concerns over the direction of K-12 math instruction in our district are certainly one factor that has motivated me to run for the board, but these concerns are neither my only motivation, nor even my primary motivation. I was fortunate to grow up in an exceptional public school system, and ensuring that the public schools in my community are excellent has always been a personal goal for me. My family has a long history of involvement in public education; my mother was a long term PTA president, and three of my four grandparents were public school teachers. Now that my three sons have (almost) all been potty trained, I finally have the time to continue this legacy of public service, and I have chosen to do so by campaigning for the vacant school board position.