Dear Neighbor,
I'm Chris Carlson, and I'm asking for your vote
this fall, in the race for LWSD School Board Director, District 2. Preparing our children for 21st century
careers is critical. We have a strong school district, but it can improve. As a scientist and a product of public schools, I know the value of an excellent K-12
education. Our district can do a better job of transparently communicating with,
and listening to, the parent community. I will work to ensure that parents are
more actively involved in the development and maintenance of district programs. Furthermore,
I will advocate for allocating a higher percentage of I-728 funds to class size reduction.
While all children of current board members
have graduated, my three young sons will attend district schools for the next sixteen years.
Thus, my passion and enthusiasm will balance and complement the experience of the existing board members, and provide
the parental viewpoint that is currently lacking from the board.
Please vote for me, and vote for
our childrens' future. Thank you,
Chris Carlson