Dancin' Feats

Contact Us

We're interested in hearing from you!  Send us an email or sign our guestbook.  Ask us about our lessons, tell us about our lessons, comment on our web site, share info about yourself, send us a photo we can post ... or any combination.
Do you have comments or questions about dance? Do you sponsor a dance-related event we could feature on our Web Site?  Would you like to organize a dance-related event to raise money for a worthy cause?  Want a dance instructor to make your next party a little more fun? Do you have an announcement or posting for our Web Site? Or would you like to sign up for our email address list? Please get in touch!

Just click this address to send us e-mail:



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You too can be bombarded with emails about what is going on in the Dance Community.  Just tell us you're interested by sending us an email and ask us to sign you up.


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Your web site hosts are Pam & Eagle.  Email us at Dancin.Feats@frontier.com