2003 Spring Festival
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Our first Co-community Spring Festival on May 31, 2003 was a HUGE success!!  We had over 80 adults and over 30 kids & teens.  In spite of threatening weather (and an afternoon thunderstorm) everyone had a great time.  There was great food (courtesy of Sean McCormick and all the pot-luck contributors), music and dancing in the barn, arts & crafts, games, hay-wagon rides, and much more.

Below are some photos (courtesy of Tim Indart) from the afternoon's festivities.

You can also see a beautiful collage of pictures from the festival put together by my good friend, Brendan Bowie.

Phila and Erick Hoopes celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary that day.  Our son Andrew made sure to congratulate them. 

Phila and Erick Hoopes 

The kids played human wheelbarrow.  Special thanks to Ray Daffner for organizing all the kids' games:  

Human Wheelbarrow 

The entrance table with the Arts/Craft/Food tent in the background.  Hi Kathleen!  

Entrance Table 

Here's farmer Dave on his new tractor about to take folks on a hay-wagon ride:  

Farmer Dave 

And here's a wagon-full of people: 


Our daughter Lauren and her cousin Alex Kerby performed the "Eagle Dance" which they choreographed themselves.  Their costumes were made by Chrissy and my sister Julie Kerby:

Alex & Lauren doing Eagle Dance 

Chrissy and I enjoy a waltz together, with my step-brother Chris and his wife Lorrie in the background: 


Folks doing the Virginia Reel in the barn.  The contra-dancing was lots of fun: 

Contra-dancing in the barn 

Our miniature donkeys loved the attention they got from all the kids: 

Cory and Morgan with Donkey 

The afternoon thunderstorm turned our barnyard into a mud pit.  But even that was fun for these three:  

Girls in the mud 



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