2007 Festival
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Saturday, October 13, 2007, 2 - 9 PM

Suggested Donation: $10 for adults, kids under 18 free

Live Musical Entertainment by FNG featuring Lea Jones 

Barn Dance with Ballroom Dancing Instruction

Food (BBQ Meals sold by Boys-To-Men)
click here for a pre-festival order form with discounted prices

Games for Kids (young & old)

Our Vision

In our journeys of self awareness and self-improvement we've become involved in many communites:  New Warrior (Mankind Project - Greater Washington), Woman Within (East Coast Sage Circle), Women In Power, and Boys-To-Men.  We feel that there is a lack of opportunities for these communities to socializeTherefore we are hosting a day filled with family, fun, dancing, eating, playing, honoring/supporting artists in our communities, and enjoying each other's company in a beautiful rural setting. This event is open to members of MKP, ECSC, WIP and BTM communities and their families (but please, NO DOGS!!). 



The suggested donation is $10 for adults, with kids under 18 free.  The donations will be used to cover our costs for the rentals (tent, tables, porta-potty, etc.) and to pay the band. 



The DC Boys-to-Men community will be providing BBQ meals for sale.  The proceeds from these sales will benefit the Boys-To-Men organization.  Click here for a menu with prices.  Take advantage of pre-festival
            discounted prices by printing out and filling in the Order Form and sending it in.  


Where is it?

If you want to know where we are and how to get here check out our Directions and Map page.   For those of you who may be traveling a long distance to get here, camping is available.  Please let us know if you plan on camping.

We're still working out the details, but there will be Food and Games going on pretty much all day.  The band FNG (featuring Lea Jones) will be playing at various times throughout the day, and we'll probably have dance lessons with our friend Fabulous Freddi Ciampi again this year.  After the sun goes down we'll have a bonfire and sing alongs.

Finally, we need people to help with set-up and clean-up.  If you can arrive early or stay late on Saturday and are willing to donate your time and effort, please contact us.

If you'd like more information about the Fall Festival please contact us. 


Dave & Chrissy McFarren


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