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Dave is an active member of the Mankind Project of Greater Washington (MKP-GW), which is a men's community that conducts the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA), an initiatory, experiential weekend for men.  You can also visit The Mankind Project's national web page for more information.  Our son Clay (16) attended the Boys-To-Men training in Nov. 2004, which is a weekend similar to the NWTA but designed for boys ages 13 to 17.

Chrissy is an active member of the East Coast Sage Circle, which is a community for women that conducts the Woman Within training, an experiental weekend for women.  She has also taken the Women in Power training and highly recommends it.  One of the facilators of Women in Power is ALisa Starkweather who is also the creator of the Priestess Path Apprenticeship which Chrissy has been on since Sept. 2003. 

Dave and Chrissy have both been active in Shadow Work and are working towards becoming certified Shadow Work facilitators.

The annual Buffalo Gap Men's Retreat is a weekend retreat for men and their sons.  Clay, Andrew and I attended in September, 2006 and we had a great time.  We intend to make this an annual event.

Friends' web sites:

Brendan Bowie has his own web design company, Zen Creations

Buzz Roddy is an actor in New York City.

Freddie Ciampi is our friend and ballroom dance instructor.  His dance business is called Social Graces.

Robin Raindrop is the co-creator of beautiful works of art.  Check out his website.


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