Manufacturer/Distributor of Eze-Patch Products

Manufacturer/Distributor of Eze-Patch Products
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Many customers like to know about the company and people behind the products and services they buy. Here we will tell you about our company.

Our Company History

EZE-VENTURE ENTERPRISES began as a company in 1996 marketing to Canada and the US.  Our goal at the time was to make available an alternative method of occlusion therapy for young children who required a patching regime. 
Children worldwide now have access to Eze-Patch Products. These bright coloured occluders with theme based motifs have assisted many Health Care Professionals achieve compliance from their young patients.  Compliance enhances the outcome for improved vision.  Over the years our success can be measured by every child who has benefited from Eze-Patch Products.
In addition we have added distributors in the United Kingdom/Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany and Israel.  
Please go to the Distributors page for contact information. 

Our Business Philosophy

Quality is important to any manufacturer. We emphasize quality throughout each step of our manufacturing process. We also strive to be as efficient as possible so every child requiring occlusion therapy has access to Eze-Patch Products. 
Our motto is "PATCHING MADE EASY".


E:mail ezeventure@frontier.com