2024 Oregon MidWinter Festival

2024 Mid-Winter Youth Activities

Youth Scholarships

The Oregon State Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs (OFSRDC) has youth scholarships available for youth who would like to attend state sponsored activities such as Mid-Winter but may not be able to due to the expense. Please contact Karyn Buchheit if you have a youth dancer who needs financial assistance at buchheitfarmkm@gmail.com

General Information

The Youth Activity Table is located in the Mainstream Hall next to the Adventure Dance Area. Youth ribbons will be available as well as any information you need as a youth dancer at Mid-Winter. The fairgrounds has asked that there be a "No bare feet" rule due to liability issues.


Friday night adventure– 8:00-10:30 pm Pizza and Fun! We will be ordering pizza to be delivered from Abby's Legendary Pizza. We will have the chance to earn some fun badges dancing to whichever caller is on-stage.

Cost for pizza is $8.00 per person ($1 discount if you pre-pay by 6:00 pm at the youth table).


Saturday Activities:.
• Mask Matching—There are pictures of masks up on various walls. Some of these are pairs. Find the pairs and write down the number/letter of the pair.
• Make A Mask—we will have mask making supplies available at the youth table. You can make a mask to wear during the evening.
• "Mask"-uerade Ball" - Saturday evening, everyone is allowed to dress up as if you were going to a costume ball.
• Puzzles, games and trivia—these will be available at the youth table.

Additional activity for today. There is a puzzle page at the youth table. Pick one up, fill it out and put your name on it. Then drop it in the box on the youth table for an additional entry into the prize drawing.

Adventure Continued - Saturday Night After Party for youth and young at heart!!! Join us in the Mainstream Hall at 10:00 pm for a fun time. Caller to be announced. We will have dancing, snacks and lots of fun!!!!


Before you leave on Sunday—youth ages 19 and under are able to select a free square dance outfit from Resale Clothing, 9:00 am – 10:30 am. Please note that this is ONLY on Sunday morning and the youth dancer must be present to select their outfit. Resale Clothing will not give outfits early or allow any pre-selection or saving of outfits.

For additional information, please download the 2024 Youth Guide by clicking here or visit the youth table during Mid-Winter. You can also contact Karyn Buchheit at 503-873-5241 or by email at buchheitfarmkm@gmail.com