Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and support during these times of uncertainty and
rapid changes. As you we shared with you I am in Bolivia with Mario and Ben holding the fortress and Iris is been in Arizona
with her mother and sister undergoing medical treatment for her CA diagnosis. Iris has gone thru a lot of exams of all types
in order to identify the real source of the three neck tumors, the last exam was a biopsy that ended up to show an indecisive
verdict. Thus, the medical team working in Iris’ case has decided to perform
a surgery to take the three tumors out and then make a genetically trace that would hopefully take us to the source. This
is at this point schedule for June 18, 2007. As family we are coming up with a plan of action we would like
to share with you in this letter.
Home Assignment granted
ABC-BIM granted us home assignments to focus on Iris health and at the same
time strengthen our MPT. This will put us all together as family in Arizona and will start June 2007 and
end February 2008. An evaluation will take place in November 2007 in order to make the necessary adjustments depending on
Iris health situation then. Our goal is to be back as family in the mission field in March 2008. But as you can see all this
is subject to the development on Iris health and treatment. In the mean time
there are some very exciting and encouraging events taking place where we all can work together for the kingdom of God in Bolivia.
Mario Jr. Graduates from High School
On June 8th at 7:30 PM our first son Mario Josué Morales will be
declared a High School graduate. Iris, her sister, Pastor Mark McCloy and a group from WV will join all of us here at the
House of Hope to celebrate this very special moment in our missionary life. Mario has expressed a desire to study Psychology
and serve the church and the education system as counselor, please keep him in your prayers as he moves on to College.
Ben Morales Defended a Thesis
Our Son Ben participated in an investigation in his
Literature class about a XIX century Bolivian Author. All the participants presented and defended their research or theses
work. Ben did a wonderful presentation in honor to Iris who was absolutely proud of him as we as we all here were. Congratulation
We found Rocky
Back on March 3, Iris’ dog Rocky got lost.
I had mixed-feeling about the loss because on the one hand he was a wonderful Golden Retriever but on the other you all know
how busy big puppies can be. Rev. Jim Anderson from WV, who was learning Spanish for a month in Bolivia,
gave me some tips for the training process which were working very good but the dog got lost and it was the end of it. Iris and I left a few days latter to Arizona and often in our conversations
we remembered Rocky with some sadness. Well, guess what on May 7 we found Rocky and despite how busy he can be, Iris is very
happy to know he is back at the House of Hope
The House of Hope, WV churches and Volunteer Allie Morth
As we evaluated
our ministry and the impact of the House of Hope and it’s ministries to women, children and churches here in Bolivia,
we wonder what we should do while we took off to focus on Iris health and home assignment. Who could hold the fortress while
we are there and how do we find the funds to keep it running? We shared this with our MPT leaders Rev. Mark McCloy and Rev.
Jim Anderson who in turn shared this need with the WV churches in their area and the response is been amazing. We will
be able to keep the House of Hope running for the next six to eight months. Furthermore, God sent us Allie Morth a Volunteer
to the House of Hope from FBC Bismarck, North Dakota who will stay here for one year. So she will be helping our Bolivian
team running the ministry to women and children while we are gone. We want to express our gratitude to the Churches of WV,
Rev. Jim Anderson, Rev. Mark McCloy and Allie Morth for your commitment to the Mission Work here at the House of Hope in Bolivia.
Short Term Volunteers and Missionary Teams
- June 4th to June 15th we welcome Rev. Mark McCloy
and his group from Elizabeth Baptist Church in West Virginia. They will be helping at The Baptist Seminary, Urban Ministries in Cochabamba and will
also explore the Andean Mountains Ministries.
- June 12th to June 20th we welcome Rev. Jim Anderson
and the Baptist Church from Page Memorial, West
Virginia who will come to bring the light to different
parts in Bolivia and minister to kids both in Rural and Urban areas.
- June 29th to August
3rd we welcome Alyssa and son Garnet Leisure, from South Parkersburg Baptist Church, West Virginia and
Also Paula Burggraaf from Iowa. They all will be staying at the House of
Hope and volunteering here in different ministries. Paula will be teaching English to the women of the House of Hope for one
- September 14th to the 30th a group form South Parkersburg is planning
to be here at the House of Hope to minister among our Bolivian sisters and brothers.
- October 23 to the 31st Rev.Jim Anderson and a group from Crab Orchard Baptist Church,
West Virginia will be ministering among the Andean Quechuas working in the construction of a new Church building.
- Also in October our dear friend and brother in Christ Harry House, from
Ohio who recruiting a group to come and serve in Santa Cruz to finalize the construction of the
Parsonage of La Belgica Baptist Ministry here in Bolivia.
Prayer Requests
- Please continue praying for Iris health particularly for the upcoming surgery on June 18th where
we hope to finally find the source of the tumors.
- Please pray for our Son Mario as he transitions into College in September
- Please pray that the Lord will raise donors to keep the House of Hope running while we are focusing on Iris’
- Pray for our family as we also transition to US at the end of June
- Pray for Allie Morth and the Bolivian team who will be in charge of the House of Hope as we are gone
- Pray for each one of the volunteers and mission teams that the Lord will keep them safe as they travel and
minister the love of Jesus Christ here in Bolivia
- We the Morales family thank the Lord for all and each one of you who support our missionary call to Bolivia.
We realize that without your help and financial support we could not be here.
- We praise the Lord for love and care you have shared with us during these moments of uncertainty and change.
We want you to know that all your letters, e-mails, cards and phone calls have made a difference in our lives.
- We want to personally thank Rev. Mark McCloy and Rev. Jim Anderson and their families and churches for their
love and commitment to the mission field. Thank you.
- We want to thank the Churches of West Virginia and the WV Baptist Convention and their leadership for their
commitment to missions. God bless you richly!
May the Lord Jesus give you His grace and Peace each day, until He comes.
Iris, Mario, Mario Jr. and Ben Morales
Cochabamba, Bolivia and
Higley Arizona.