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Rev. Bill and Patsy Drennen

Gentry Missionary Baptist Church



Bill and his wife Patsy both were born in l938, and spent twenty years in the Air Force retiring in l976. Bill went into public teaching, retiring in 1998 from Oak Hill High School.  Bill was a Social Studies teacher.  Bill graduated from Collins High school in 1956 and received his Master degree from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.  After entering West Virginia University, he completed his academic requirement for his Doctoral Degree.  He entered the missionary field in l985; pastored church's in Greenbrier County - Hines Gospel Tabernacle; and Rosedale Baptist Church in Oak Hill.  He has been pastor of Gentry Missionary Baptist Church in Sanger for 16 years.  Bill and Patsy have five children, 4 girls and 1 son.