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Julie's Blog

Julie's thoughts and ramblings.....from the heart.

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Friday, February 24, 2006

Wow!  We just had our ultrasound on Wednesday.  Brian said as soon as she put the probe to my belly, he saw two babies and thought, "huh?" (I couldn't really see the screen very well)  Then the tech asked me if I had been measuring large.  I told her that Dr. Smith hadn't said anything, but I thought I was large.  I said, "Why?  Is there more than one?"  She told me she was still looking.  I said that I thought I was a lot bigger than I was with my daughter, that at 20 weeks with my daughter, no one could tell I was even pregnant, but me.  I also said that I also knew I had already stretched out those abdominal muscles and that I know you show sooner with second children.  I had also wondered a time or two if I was having twins, especially last week when I felt kicks at two opposite ends of my belly at the same time.  I told her then I thought I was either having twins or I was loosing mind.  We ARE having twins and they are girls!!  They are in separate sacs, which is better for them, but it looks as if they are sharing one placenta, which means it's very possible that they are identical. 
Brian and I were both in shock for a couple days.  Now, 2 days later, the shock has worn off and I am just tickled pink....X 2!!!  I remember as a little girl wanting to have twin girls...identical twin girls, even.
I am sleepy tonight, so I will write more about it another day (I think!)
Fri, February 24, 2006 | link

Monday, February 13, 2006

My baby girl is 3 today
I cannot believe that my baby girl is 3.  She is growing up way too fast on me.  She is getting so much taller and with as active as she is and stretching up and not being a big eater, she is getting thinner, also.  Her pants don't hardly want to stay up.
She is still big into doing her puzzles and reading books.  Her most prized possessions are her Teddy (bear) and 2 blankies. 
Randy and Shelly had a birthday party for her yesterday since I wasn't up to having a party this year with being pregnant and not handling pregnancy very well (THANK YOU, Randy and Shelly!)  It was a quiet, intimate party with just the 6 of us.  Gabby had a good time.  She loves going to their house, anyway.  They have a big circular area that she can run around.  She had fun carrying her balloon bouquet and running around the circle with Nathan (her cousin) and Katy (their dog) following.  Katy is very protective of Gabby.  Playing with Nathan and Katy sent her into fits of giggles.  She also loves how Uncle Randy roughs her up and tosses her around.  We had yummy homemade pizza and salad.  Gabby didn't eat her dinner, but boy did she love her Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  Her birthday is the one time that I let her get away with eating dessert and not dinner....normally we don't even have dessert. 
Fun was had by all and we were all pooped by the time we left (Gabby because of no nap, Brian because he worked the night before and had to work last night and me just because that's my phase of life being pregnant.
The good news is that this past week was a better week for me.  I am finally getting an appetite and eating somewhat better.  I have gained back 4-5 pounds of the 15 I have lost since being pregnant.  I'm not sure if it's my body, though or just the belly and chest that have grown on me.  I am showing more now at 4.5 months than I did at 6-7 months with Gabby.  We are having an ultrasound on Feb 22nd.  So that will make sure there is only one baby in this belly of mine. 
We think we have names picked out.  Luke Robert for a boy and Olivia Lynn for a girl.  Not totally certain on the girl's name, because there were several others we liked. 
Well, that's all for now.  If you haven't already, go to Gabby's page, scroll down and you can see her birthday pictures. 
Mon, February 13, 2006 | link

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Pregnancy Woes
Please pray for me.  I am now 17 weeks pregnant.  I feel sick all of the time and it is so wearing on me.  I have had a really bad day today and sit here tonight in tears.  I am having a hard time taking care of myself, let alone Gabby, who will be 3 in less than 2 weeks and who has also been sick.  I really need my parents, but they are in Texas for the winter.  I really don't have anyone to help.  I just feel like I can't take it anymore at times and don't know how I'm going to get through the day.  Lord, please help me.  
Thu, February 2, 2006 | link

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