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Julie's thoughts and ramblings.....from the heart.

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Friday, December 23, 2005

It's bedtime now and Gabby hasn't had anymore sick episodes since earlier, so I am hoping we will all be ok.  I still feel a little weird in my tummy, but haven't gotten sick yet!  Yeah!  So it looks like our plans for tomorrow might just be on!  I sure hope so.  Getting together with family is so important to us, but we don't want to infect anyone, either.
We also have house guests for the next week.  Annie and Jasper came yesterday.  Today I took a nap on the couch with 5 toy poodles curled up all around me.  I sure stayed toasty warm, but I couldn't move!  Annie and Jasper are good kids.  They just mostly lay around.  All the poodles get along just great.  Dave and Jeanne babysit our poo's if we ever need to go away, too.  It sure makes it nice to know you have someone who loves your poodles and you can trust to take good care of them if you need to.  Dave and Jeanne feel the same way and wouldn't want to leave Annie and Jasper with anyone else.
Well, Merry Christmas.  I am off to bed!
Fri, December 23, 2005 | link

What a rough couple weeks
I feel like I have been away for a long time.  I have had a rough few weeks.  This pregnancy has been very hard.  I ended up in the hospital on Sunday.  I had been swimming in waves of severe nausea for weeks and had no appetite, couldn't hardly make myself eat or drink anything.  I was pretty weak and couldn't hardly even stand up for 30 seconds.  They pumped me full of fluids and IV anti-nausea meds.  The first two doses did nothing, so they got out the "big guns" (Zofran) and it took two doses of that before I started to perk up a little.  They let me go home Sunday night.  My mom came and spent the night to take care of me and Gabby.  Monday she ended up sick with throwing up and diarrhea, but she just thought it was something she ate.
Monday, my OB dr. called to follow up with me to see how I was doing.  He prescribed an anti-nausea med.  I went and had it filled, and I could eat and drink when I took it, but it really messed with my head.  I was so out of it.  I couldn't keep my eyes open for nothing.  I slept about 20 hours on Tuesday and was very dizzy.  I did eat and drink, though.  
On Wednesday I had my 2nd OB appt.  I was still very weak and not able to drive.  I had to end up sitting down in the shower and finish sitting down because I felt like I was going to pass out.  We did get to hear the baby's heartbeat!  It was iffy as to if we would, as I am just 11 weeks now and sometimes they can find it at 11 weeks, and sometimes not.  It wasn't super loud yet, but I am sure it will be by the time I go back in January.  My OB dr. gave me a prescription for Zofran at my visit.  He didn't prescribe it on Monday, because it is super expensive (close to $500 for 10 days worth) and he wasn't sure that my insurance would cover it.  I checked with the insurance and they would, so I got it Wednesday afternoon.  (Thank you, Lord!)  I cannot believe what a difference it has made in my life.  I am not only able to eat and drink, but I actually have an appetite and thirst.  I feel pretty good now and am able to function again.
The bad part is that mom's bug she had on Monday couldn't have been something she ate.  Dad got it Tuesday and now Gabby has it.  She threw up in her bed last night, then again later this morning and now has diarrhea and is running a slight temp.  My belly feels a little sick, too, but different from the pregnancy yuckies that I've had.  I haven't gotten sick yet, but feel like I am coming down with it, too.  I imagine Brian will also get it in a day or so, but he might luck out as he seems to have a really strong immune system and hardly ever gets sick. 
So, I have no idea where that leaves our plans for tomorrow.  We are supposed to be at my parents for our family Christmas Brunch at 11 am, then drive an hour to Brian's dad's and be there at 3 pm.  I have a feeling we won't be going anywhere.  Even if we are feeling better, I don't want to risk infecting our niece and nephews. 
I am making some finger jello for Gabby, so she has something easy on her tummy to eat.  She is drinking pedialyte.
Even though we have been through a lot lately and are sick now, I feel so very blessed this Christmas Season.  It's not about the lights and the presents....it has a much BIGGER meaning.  I hope that all of you know the true Reason for the Season in your hearts. 
Merry Christmas and Love to all!
Fri, December 23, 2005 | link

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