
Block diagram

This module acts as a network analyzer: it generates a synthesized (DDS) sine wave for excitation of a system being measured, and Fourier analyzes one or more signals from the system for their response functions from the point of excitation. The Fourier analysis consists of computation of sine and cosine integrals over a specified integral number of cycles of the sine wave, after a specified dead time allowing transients to die away. To excite a system, the sine wave generated by the DDS is added to a signal passing in and out through a pair of ports. The intensity of the excitation may be selected as a power of two. The DDS is useful for excitation frequencies within about ±fs/200 of the I/Q IF frequency (IF2). Up to 15 signal channels may be intantiated, the number determined by a parameter specified at build time.

The DDS frequency is selected via numerical logic input vectors, as are the duration of integration and damping time. The sine and cosine integrals are accessible by the host through a throttled pipe. The up to 30 integrals are transferred as a block (illustrated below), each integral as a double word, along with a double word containing the integration time as a clock count, and a filler double word. The block size transferred is 32 double words (128 bytes) regardless of the number of channels instantiated.

I1, Q1
I2, Q2
Inchans, Qnchans
0, 0
0, integration time


clkinputThe clock input.
resetinputThe reset input, used return the network analyzer to the idle state, including stopping DDS output.
goinputArm/trigger vector that initiates an analysis sequence. A single bit simply triggers the start.
gonowoutputIs asserted for a clock when the final trigger condition is met. This is the pulse that finally initiates an analysis sequence.
quadinputThe I/Q quadrant fiducial.
freqinputThe frequency in terms of the phase increment on the 2wpi scale of the DDS phase accumulator, which is incremented every clockinterval clocks.
acquirecountinputIntegration time as a count of DDS modulation cycles (DDS turns).
dampcountinputDelay time between the time the DDS starts at the current frequency, and the start of integration. It is an integer count of DDS modulation cycles (turns).
ddsI0, ddsQ0outputThe I and Q outputs of the DDS. These signals are the provided to the fourier analyzers.
ddsI, ddsQoutputThe two DDS outputs upconverted to fs/4.
signalsinputThe signals in I/Q data streams to be analyzed. There are nchans of them concatenated into a single vector.
fourieroutputThe output Fourier cosine and sine integrals. There are 2*nchan of them concatenated into a single vector.
busyoutputIndicates that a measurement sequence is in progress, including the leading dead time.
ddstickoutputAsserted for one clock cycle to indicate that the DDS has generated a fresh I/Q vector.
turntickoutputAsserted for one clock cycle to indicate that the baseband DDS has completed a turn.
validoutputAsserted for one clock cycle to indicate that an analysis sequence has completed and the fourier data are available for readout.
intensityoutputThe intensity of the DDS output. The DDS output is scaled downward by powers of two selected by intensity: dds = 215-intensity × full scale.
srcininputA system I/Q data stream to which is added the dds excitation.
srcoutoutputThe srcin port with the scaled dds excitation added.
hi_clkinputHost clock of the host interface.
hi_strobeinputIndicates that the host is initating a read sequence.
hi_readyoutputIndicates that the logic is ready to provide data to the host.
hi_readinputAsserted by the host when reading data from the data port.
hi_dataoutputProvides data to the host.


Parameters, their defaults, and descriptions:

nchans1The number of signals concatenated in the signals vector to be analyzed.
wd15The bit width of the signals to be analyzed.
wdds15The bit width of the dds ports ddsI,Q and ddsI0,Q0.
wo24The bit widths of the Fourier integrals in ports fourier and meas.
wl11The bit width of the clockinterval port representing clocks between dds phase increments.
wpi13The bit width of the phase-increment port PhIncr.
wpa20The bit width of the phase accumulator internal to the dds. The port PhIncr is added to this accumulator every clockinterval clock cycles.
wtc10The bit width of the turn counter.
oflwtcThe number of integrator overflow bits. It should be large enough that the accumulator will not overflow during the analysis cycle. The value wpc may be a good choice.
apb12The number of accumulator precision bits. These least-significant bits are used during accumulation but discarded from the output as a means to control accumulated quantization error. The value ofl/2 is often a good choice.
wi4The intensity-port bit width. It need not be greater than ceiling(log2(wdds)).
ws15The bit widths of the ports srcin and srcout.
whi16The host-interface bus width.
ws15The source input and output bit width.
siwdds+1The interval between DDS output updates.


Example instantiation:

localparam    chans = 3,	// number of channels
              wd = 15,		// signals to be analyzed
              ws = 14,		// through ports
              wdds = 12,	// dds width
              wo = 24,		// fourier output
              wpa = 19,		// phase accumulator
              wpi = wd,		// phase increment (frequency)
              wtc = 11,		// turn counter
              ofl = 20,		// overflow
              whi = 16;		// host interface

// network analyzer setup parameters
wire              [wtc-1:0]      dampingtime, integrationtime;
wire  signed      [wpi-1:0]      frequency;
wire              [wi-1:0]       intensity;

// DDS outputs
wire  signed      [wdds-1:0]     I0, Q0;          // unscaled
wire  signed      [wdds-1:0]     I, Q;            // scaled

// input signals to be analyzed
wire              [wd-1:0]       sig1, sig2, sig3;

// through ports into which dds is injected
wire  signed      [ws-1:0]       din, dout;

// host interface ports
wire                             hi_clk, hi_strobe, hi_ready, hi_read;
wire              [whi-1:0]      hi_data;

    #(.nchans(chans), .wd(wd),   .ws(ws),   .whi(whi), .wdds(wdds), 
             .wo(wo), .wpa(wpa), .wpi(wpi), .wtc(wtc), .ofl(ofl))
    na (
        .clk(clk),                  .reset(stoppulse),
        .go(startpulse),           	.gonow(nagonow),
        .freq(frequency),           .dampcount(dampingtime),
        .intensity(intensity),      .acquirecount(integrationtime),
        .ddsI0(I0),                 .ddsQ0(Q0),             // unscaled
        .ddsI(I),                   .ddsQ(Q),               // scaled
        .signals({sig3, sig2, sig1}),
        .busy(naBusy),              .ddstick(ddst),
        .turntick(nact),            .valid(naValid),
        // ff data stream
        .srcin(din),                .srcout(dout),
        // host interface
        .hi_clk(hi_clk),            .hi_strobe(hi_strobe),
        .hi_ready(hi_ready),        .hi_read(hi_read),