TableFast (in Table.v)

This module provides a table that is output without interpretation for use as a feed-forward table in linac or other builds where a higher data rate is required. The idea is that, unlike the module Table, the table is clocked at the full DAC rate, outputting data at the first IF frequency (IF1) and obviating the need for separate upconversion to that IF frequency. To do this, pre-upconverted samples are provided to the table via the host port of the two-port buffer. The module Table.v used in other builds accepts baseband I/Q pairs and upconverts to the IF2 frequency, which is later upconverted to IF1 using Doolittle's method. The buffer has 1024 sixteen-bit word capacity, and the second (host-interface) port implements the Opal Kelly block-throttled pipe having handshaking for controlling data flow. When triggered, the contents of the buffer is output. When finished, the last 2w2 words are repetitively output.

Block diagram

Ports | Parameters | Notes | Example | Diagram

Data ports

clkinputThe data clock input.
resetinputThe reset input.
goinputA gb-bit trigger vector (defaults to one bit). The bits successively arm the module, the last bit actually triggering it.
gnoutputThe final trigger pulse initiating table output.
trigstateoutputVector of bits indicating the current state of the trigger logic. The first (most-significant) bit is the idle state, while the last (least-significant) bit is the final arm state.
addraoutputAn address counter indicating which sample of the table is being output (0 to 2w1-1).
outoutputTable output (wd bits).
busyoutputWhen asserted, indicates the table is currently outputing its data. It goes high with gn, not go.
done  output  Is asserted for one clock indicating that the table has been output and the sequence is ended.

Host-interface ports

clk_hiinputHost-interface clock.
ready_hioutputA handshaking signal asserted by TableFast indicating that it is ready to receive data. When asserted, the host is free to apply data to pipe_hi and assert bufwr_hi. When this signal is deasserted, the host must deassert bufwr_hi and cease the transfer.
strobe_hiinputAsserted briefly by the host indicating that it is initiating a transfer sequence. It does not indicate data are valid on pipe_hi, which must only occur when ready_hi is asserted by TableFast.
bufwr_hiinputAsserted by the host interface indicating that data are currently valid on pipe_hi.
pipe_hiinputThe data from the host.


w110Width of the address counter. The number of words in the table is 2w1, which must not exceed 210.
w22Width of the waypoint address counter.
wd16Width of the data input and output by this module. It can be at most 18, a limit set by the dual-port memory primitive.
gb1Width of the trigger-logic go and trigstate ports for multi-bit triggers (see the trigger module).


Example instantiation in Verilog:

localparam		wd = 15;

wire			clk, reset, go, gn, busy, done;
wire	[wd-1:0]	data;

wire			clk_hi, ready_hi, busy_hi, done_hi;
wire			strobe_hi, wr_hi;
wire	[wd-1:0]	data_hi;

TableFast	#(.wd(wd))
  ffTable (
    .clk(clk),			.reset(reset),
    .go(go),			.gn(ffgn),
    .busy(busy),		.done(done),

    // host interface
    .clk_hi(clk_hi),		.ready_hi(reeady_hi),
    .strobe_hi(strobe_hi),	.bufwr_hi(wr_hi),
    .busy_hi(busy_hi),		.done_hi(done_hi),