Lancaster, New Hampshire

Al and Joanne, and a Housefull

It was a long (4 hour) drive up from Hartford, CT to Lancaster, NH. But it was so totally beautiful. I91 all the way up, with the green Green Mountains on one side and the blue and white White Mountains on the other. Heaven.

And to the Lamberts' in time for cocktails. Of course. My kid brother wouldn't deprive me! And we relaxed in their comfortable home.

Al - my baby brother.



And schmooze with their furkids.

Varna, the husky. A huge sweet boy.

Tom & Jerry, two of the once-feral kittens - and Mom - that got moved inside. Mom & Sis hide.

Kaelly, a little girl husky who has taken over.

Tuesday morning was cold! We Southerners aren't used to this. But, after breakfast, with me bundled like the Michelin Man, we walked the dogs around town. Lancaster is a lovely place, with huge sprawling Victorian houses up and down the hills. Then we took off on a long drive, so they could make me jealous. The mountains are incredibly beautiful. And Al knows all the back roads with the best views.

Across the Connecticut River into Vermont. And to the Dog Chapel. Honest. There's a little chapel with all kinds of carvings and paintings of dogs. Then a big shop full of way more of the same. Neat work, too.

The chapel. Those are carvings. And the sign reads
"Welcome - All Creeds - All Breeds - No Dogmas Allowed".


Inside the chapel, with it's dog-carved pews.

Joanne in the chapel. All those cards have been sent and posted
in memory of pets. Incredible..


Joanne & Al in front of the shop.

Then through Saint Johnsbury. Wow, I could sure live there. Of course, I didn't take any pictures as we drove through. And to the Cabot Creamery. And I really pigged out on their cheese samples. The stuff is so good! Really crumbly and sharp white cheddars. Heaven for me. So I bought cheese to take back home. And sampled a bit more.

More back roads, and back into the White Mountains - from the Native American term for "mountains with white on their foreheads" - which is perfect. They really have far too many mountains and glacial lakes. They can't possibly appreciate them all. They need to share some with us - just a few of each. I have a few ideas of where they could settle them near Durham - and we wouldn't miss a thing.


Wonderful drive. And, just before we got back, I looked over to a little ditch at an interscetion by a gas station and garage - and saw a real live moose! Perfect!

And back to Lancaster - and a feast of roast beast - rib roasts from "their own" grass-fed steer - aged beef. What a great day.

Joanne, cooking. Note granite counters and the convection gas stove.


Joanne & Al in the kitchen. The dogs are helping - right?.

Those are spider decorations for Halloween - not real beasties, of course.

The next morning was even colder. Man, no way I was running. A nice warm breakfast, then we all walked the dogs, who love that weather. Yeah, they have thick fur coats. I'm a wimpy Southerner.


OK, there wasn't snow when I visited. But it felt like there should be. This is their house. See that sort of bump-out on the second floor? It's the kitchen of the apartment (really - bedroom, kitchen, and bath) where I stayed. Their rooms are across from the apartment. Under it is their dining room. Parlor and living room on the downhill side. And kitchen all across the back. And two bedrooms on the top floor. Quite a place!

Then we piled the dogs into the car and drove up to Weeks State Park for a chilly hike. I wore my running tights as long underwear! But it was great. Maybe a mile road up to the top? And fantastic views across the Connecticut River to Vermont and all over New Hampshire. How come they get such great country? I been good! I need some.

Joanne & Kaelly at the car park.


And Al & Varna.


Looking out over New Hampshire.

The Lambert gang - Vermont in the background.


What I really miss a lot - birches along the Weeks road.


Lancaster from the top of Weeks. I love that it looks so much like the view of Holmfirth (West Yorkshire, England) from Cliff Bank. One of our favorite places.

A wonderful walk. No, I didn't feeze anything off. Just a wimp. I grew up in New England. I can take it. Eventually. I'm just not used to it. Sort of wish I were.

The next day was my last up there. My cat buddies said their good-byes.



Jerry - my best buddy.

Al, Joanne, Varna, Kaelly, and I took a last long walk all around - up and down - Lancaster. Had a great lunch. And then a long drive back to the airport in Connecticut.

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