Pascoag, Rhode Island

Sandy and Rich, and Furry Friends

Sandy is really in the boonies. And the house numbers had me really worried, as they didn't even have the right mumber of digits. Then I crossed from Massachusetts into Rhode Island, and the numbers were right. Whew!

Into Sandy & Rich's driveway. Sandy & Dudley were there to greet me. Isn't it nice that they arranged the gorgeous leaf color right on time for me?


Sandy & me, with my new boyfriend, Dudley. They thought he was part pit bull. I say he's lots of border collie.

I had a ball! They have a lovely comfortable home, in a big - huge - wooded area. With a barn and horses and gallop pen. And great walking. And that incredible translucent fall foliage.

We did a lot of sitting and talking. We hadn't seen each other in almost 20 years. But it sure didn't feel like that. We had always done a lot of walking. I think we wore a rut in the sidewalk of Rockland Road, meeting walking each other and then walking each other part way home. So we continued our walking and talking by taking Dudley on his daily route down to Lake Wallum. Sandy said it was only about 3 miles. Ha, I know that's 5K, which sounds way more impressive. Walking a 5K once a day is tough enough. But you wouldn't believe that one long hill! Even with Dudley for a "motor", I wanted a ski tow. Woods, a lake, few houses, and nice neighbors with nice dogs. Great walking - for us great walkers.

Sandy & Dudley at the lake.


Lake Wallum. The trees were just what I expect of autumn in New England.

We wandered their woods, explored the woods, and relaxed. And I got to meet the horses. The first thing I ever knew about Sandy was that she wanted a horse. She made her father enter every contest where they might win one. Even though they had a moderate houselot on the main street of town. Not ideal horse country. But now she has the room. And the horses!

Razz and Sandy in the round pen.


Razz: one fast and beutiful girl.

Shelby Jean, a visitor here recuperating from surgery.


The 2-stall barn (stable?) and paddock behind the house. Sandy even let me help muck this out. Honest - I had to beg. And had fun. OK, I may be odd, but then I don't have to do it every day.


Rich and Sandy took me to Providence, which is a neat city. All kinds of new development that merges nicely with the renovated old buildings. We strolled along the Riverwalk amd around Waterplace Park. Then had a delicious lunch - and great ales - at Union Station Brewery. You know I'll end up in a pub - right?

Rich & Sandy at the pool in Waterplace Park.


But we headed back to their place - and the horses. To ride!


Sandy telling Shelby Jean that it's OK that she won't get a passenger. This girl is here to recuperate and eat.


Rich and Sandy did the hard work.

I made Sandy laugh. One of my talents.


While Rich ignored me and saddled Razz.

They rode. Man, they know what they are doing. Nice to watch experts at work - and at play.


And then, they convinced me that I could ride! And Razz and I did circles in the paddock. OK, yes, I have a hand on the pommel. Tacky of me. But I didn't hang on for dear life. My worry was that I'd direct the poor horse into something - like maybe Sandy or Rich. They were worried that, as Razz is lots smarter than I am, she'd run me into something - like the barn. We girls did OK.


I should have made this trip years ago. Sandy and Rich are great hosts. And Sany and I need to get together more often than every 20 years! I have dared them to escape either the dregs of February or the March mud season by visiting North Carolina. And I may invite myself to Pascoag again - soon. I'll bet Dudley misses me.

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