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Carcosan Archipelago - Homeland of the Kaardonese Empire

(Background | Geography | Weather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Empire | Notable Places )

  1. Background: The Carcosan Archipelago lies approximately 150 miles of the southeastern coast of what was once the continent of Istria. It is a chain of nine islands, and numerous tiny islets. These islands were largely uninhabited after the devastation of the Gods Fall Wars. In 1660 AG when the Kaardon, fleeing the rebellion against Carnax the Destroyer, settled these islands and began the creation of a homeland they could call their own.

  2. Geography: As noted above nine major islands, Carcosa, Candella, Sarandor, Forsay, the Isle of tears, and the Four Sisters (Meldra, Anedra, Delphinia, Lyrath) make up the bulk of the archipelago. Hundreds of tiny islets, some large enough to hold several small homesteads and others no more than a few paces across comprise the rest.
    1. Carcosa - By far the largest island in the archipelago, it is covered with several small forests (Dreamwood, Darkwood, Idolwood, and the Tayjan Forest), these are filled with a wide variety of both temperate and semi-tropical plants and trees. On the western coast is a small range of mountains (Peaks of Zai-Than), these are a generous source of precious metals and other raw materials. Located in the southern-most part of the island  is Agnor Swamp, a source of amber and peat, as well as a few rare types of wood. Two major rivers (Tayjan and Idolar) separate the lands around the capital city of Tai-Than from the rest of the less pacified areas. The Tayjan runs southeast from its source in the Lake of Dreams to just south of the Tayjan Forest where it splits off into the Idolar and continues on into the sea. The Idolar runs south from this point, into the Agnor Swamp and finally empties into the sea. The Lake of Dreams is fed from numerous underground sources and is home to some of the best fishing on all of Ghoraja Juun. Several small lakes dot the countryside between the Dreamwood and the Tayjan Forest. Much of the eastern coastline is covered with beaches of heavy yellow sand.
    2. Candella - The second largest island in the chain, this island remains largely uninhabited. It is reserved as a private resort for the imperial family. The northern third of the island is covered by a range of rock-strewn hills. A river, running southwest from the hills divides the island approximately in half. The remaining majority of the island is covered in heavy forests. The imperial family's retreat, Shai-Than, sits at the tip of a peninsula on the southeast part of the island.
    3. Sarandor & Forsay - The third and fourth islands in size, these islands are completely covered with craggy hills. Another large source of raw metals and gemstones, these islands are heavily mined. Kazag Keep, is the only settlement of size on either island.
    4. Isle of Tears - This small island, covered in mountains and high bluffs, is uninhabited except for Celebelensil (Silver Star or Shining Silver Star), an ancient silver dragon who makes her home near the peak of the tallest mountain on the island.
    5. The Four Sisters - This cluster of small islands are the home of the Nâzarites, fervent followers of the Kaardon's original deity Nâzar. The islands are named after four Nâzarite women who died during the initial settlement of the area. The largest island, Meldra, is covered in heavy forests except for a large clearing near the center of the island where the Nâzarites built their main temple. The other three islands are grass covered and dotted with groves of trees.
  3. Weather: The weather around the islands is very warm and wet. Tropical storms are a problem but the Kaardon have learned to deal with them. Average daily temperatures range from the low 50's in mid-winter, to the high 90's during the summer months. Rainfall can average as much as 400 inches per year, with nearly half falling during the winter months.
  4. Notable Personages: See Personalities page
  5. Inhabitants: See the Kaardon entry under "Races" for more information. Small populations of humans, dwarves and halflings make their homes in the larger cities. Other smaller groups of various races can also be found.
  6. Defenders of the Realm: Being a militant people the Kaardon place great importance on the military / martial arts. They are considered by many to be the finest natural soldiers in the world. The imperial armed forces, especially the army, is quite large. Many Kaardon, not wanting to serve the empire, create and/or serve in mercenary outfits that find employment across Ghoraja Juun.
    1. Imperial Naval Forces - The Kaardon are accomplished sailors, while not quite at the level of the Taydarin elves, they are as good as if not better than nearly any other nation. The imperial fleet is not overly large, but is more than adequate to fulfill its duties. The imperial Navy or "Iron Fleet" maintains its headquarters in Tai-Than, and has bases in Kitzaak as well as Kazag Keep.
      1. 'Kraken' Class - The largest Kaardonese warship, 10 of the 11 ships in service serve as squadron flagships. The remaining ship is the Admiral's flagship. These ships are modeled after the Taydarin 'Raptor' class, though on a smaller scale. They are long (160') and broad (50' beam) with three masts, but no oars, and three 'castles (fore, aft, and mid-ship). They typically carry 3 large and 3-5 medium deck mounted weapons. They are often outfitted with a complement of 100 marines. A normal ships complement is 75 sailors and at least one priest of Droghaan, Falkyr or Nâzar.
      2. 'Narwhal' Class - The workhorse of the Kaardonese fleet, there are at least 50 of these ships currently in service. Five are assigned to each squadron, and two assigned to escort the admirals flagship. They are 100' in length and have a 25' beam. They are two-masted and can be outfitted with oars if deemed necessary. They have 2 large and 3 medium deck-based weapons and carry an extremely heavy ram. They typically carry a complement of 25 marines. A normal ships complement is 50 sailors and a priest of Droghaan, Falkyr or Nâzar.
      3. 'Barracuda' Class - These are the smallest and fastest ships of the Imperial Navy. They resemble large catamarans and are primarily used for scouting and/or coastal patrols. They are armed with a single light ballista and a crew complement of 15, all trained archers. In times of war they may carry up to 2 squads of marines.
      4. Merchant Ships - As with most nations across Ghoraja Juun, the Kaardonese will in times of need outfit merchant ships with deck weapons and use them as auxiliary warships.
      5. Marines - Kaardonese marines are among the finest warriors in the empire, trained for various missions on both land and sea. There is a group of specially trained marines, Rykurn's Reavers, who would hold the place of modern day US Navy seals. Members of this group all sport a tattoo of a kraken wielding an iron trident on their left shoulder.
    2. Imperial Army - The Imperial Army of Carcosa is among the largest standing armies on Ghoraja Juun. Numbers fluctuate, but never fall below 25,000. The majority of the army is made up of various types of infantry, but there is a small contingent (2 companies - 250 troops) of cavalry used as both scouts and skirmishers.

      Units are broken down into groups of five; A corps contains five divisions, a division five battalions, a battalion or legion five companies, a company five squads, and a squad consists of five soldiers (4 troopers and a troop sergeant). In total a corps would have a complement of 2,625 total soldiers plus officers and support personnel, bring the total to approximately 3,200. The Imperial Army generally maintains 9 corps, plus the Imperial Guard and specialty outfits.
      1. Trooper - Wear studded leather armor and armed with dagger, hand axe, short sword and pole arm depending on the unit.
      2. Troop Sergeant - Wear chainmail and is armed with dagger, hand axe, broadsword and pole arm depending on the unit.
      3. Archer - Wear leather armor and is armed with dagger, hand axe and long bow. They typically carry 2 quivers of arrows.
      4. Cavalry - Wear chainmail and armed with dagger, hand axe, lance/spear and short bow. Ride light war-horses.
      5. Imperial Guard ("The Iron Legion") - The Imperial Guard are selected from among the finest veterans in the army. They are armored in iron-gray plate mail with the imperial crest emblazoned on the breastplate. The are armed with dagger, hand axe, footman's mace and halberds. The Iron Legion rarely leaves the Imperial compound unless accompanying a member of the imperial family.
      6. Imperial Trackers (Rangers) - The Imperial Trackers are a specialty unit comprised wholly of Rangers and woodsmen. They patrol the wilderness areas of the empire and serve as scouts and skirmishers. They wear leather armor and are armed with dagger, hand axe, long bow, spear and sword of choice.
      7. Knights of the Empire - These are members of noble families trained in the "finer" arts of warfare or hurch sponsored Knights or Paladins. Usually mounted on medium or heavy war-horses or in rare instances on a varruun (see entry in Flora-Fauna section). They are typically armored in chainmail, plate mail or plate armor and carry a shield. Weapons are varied but usually consist of some sort of lance or spear, other horseman's weapons and a dagger.
      8. Artillerists, Engineers and other Support troops (blacksmiths, furriers, cooks, fletchers, etc.)
      9. Priests and Wizards - The Imperial Army has long had priests attached to various units. But with the advent of the Imperial College of Magic, a slowly growing number of mages  are being incorporated as well. At first the more traditional soldiers generated great resistance to the idea, but once they were exposed to what a wizard could accomplish on a battlefield even the stoutest opponents became open to the idea. A small group of priests, usually devoted to Falkyr or Nâzar are incorporated into each battalion.
      10. Nâzarites - Though usually keeping to themselves, when the empire is under attack these fanatical worshippers of the Black Spear are all to eager to join the fray. Often striking out on their own and carrying on their own private campaign separate from the army. Priests devoted to the Black Spear mounted on varruun or vraakken (see entry in Flora-Fauna section) usually take command of the Nâzarites. A knightly order, Order of the Black Spear, are a group of the most skilled warriors the Nâzarites can offer. Mounted on vraakken, dressed in ornate black plate armor and carrying black spears and a shield emblazoned with the symbol of their deity, they are an impressive sight.
  7. Notable Places: Since these islands were uninhabited before the Kaardon's arrival there are few (if any) old ruins, buildings, monuments.
    1. Tai-Than - The capital city of the Kaardonese empire was built on the shores of a well-protected bay, the location of the first Kaardon landing on Carcosa. The city sprawls along the shores of the bay, and contains vast shipyards and dock facilities. The imperial compound lies on a series of hills to the east of the bay. It is surrounded by 15' high walls that are dotted periodically with 25' guard towers.

      The city itself is dominated by the imperial compound and the temples of Falkyr and Droghaan. It is a maze of streets, narrow alleys, and broad avenues lined with the houses of various noble and merchant families. Near the harbor sits a large fountain with a statue of Kyrak Vanuraak atop it. Kyrak was the first emperor and progenitor of the current ruling line. His statue stands guard over the harbor like a huge sentinel.

      A small, but powerful thieves guild, the Golden Spiders, thrives in the city  and has a smaller satellite group located in Kitzaak. A large temple to Nâzar is located near the imperial compound.

      The entrance to the bay is relatively narrow, approximately 300 yards, and on each of the 'fingers' that make up the entrance are substantial fortifications. Each installation is manned by nearly 200 soldiers and other support personnel. Each emplacement is armed with several ballistae, catapults and trebuchets. A huge iron chain, with links nearly a foot thick is suspended between the two fortifications and can be raised to help block entrance to the bay if needed.
    2. Kitzaak - The second largest city in the empire, it lies on the eastern shore of Carcosa across a narrow strait from the island of Forsay. Kitzaak is also a thriving port and there is a complex ferry system built to bring people  and materials to and from Forsay. A large temple to Falkyr is situated in almost the exact center of the city. The rest of Kitzaak spirals out from the temple in a oblong pattern criss-crossed with streets and alleys. The Golden Spiders have a small chapter in the city, but they have a much greater influence in Kitzaak than in the capital. A small temple to Nâzar is located near the ferry complex.

      The population is primarily Kaardonese with a small contingent of dwarves who both work in and own mines on Forsay and a couple of families of Dagaat living in a forgotten section of the sewers making up the remainder.
    3. Kazag Keep - Originally the country home of a powerful noble family, Kazag Keep has become the second most powerful city in the empire. There is an extremely powerful military presence here because of the wealth brought out of the various mines. Kazag Keep is a rough and tumble town filled with taverns, brothels, and shops selling military or mining equipment. Most other businesses are related to either supporting the military or mining operations.

      The only non-Kaardonese population are dwarves who either work in or own some of the mines or Hob-Goblins mercenaries hired as guards.
    4. Shai-Than - More a large noble holding than an established town, Shai-Than is a retreat / resort for the imperial family. They come here to relax and enjoy themselves. At times the entire imperial court will travel here and stay for months. Shai-Than has nearly the same security as the imperial compound in the capital. When the imperial family is not present, the island is patrolled by large groups of soldiers. Trespassers are jailed until an imperial legate can hear the case.


(Background | GeographyWeather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Empire | Notable Places )

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