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  1. Ythrak-Nyn - The Pantheon of Ghoraja Juun: There was a time when Ghoraja Juun teemed with gods, goddesses, and divine beings of all sorts. Nearly every intelligent race had its own pantheon, and many of these were comprised of multitudes of deities. Over time some pantheons retreated to other multi-verses, merged together or disappeared completely, and new pantheons appeared as well. Things continued this way for thousands of years.

    Then came the 'Ythrak-Kamyr' or 'War of the Exalted' (known later as "Gods Fall"), where gods and goddesses along with their followers battled one another. No mortal has knowledge of who actually is to blame, but it is generally accepted a single event that started what would become the ultimate cataclysm for Ghoraja Juun.

    The assassination of the Nordheim god Odynn, by the orc god Ilneval signaled the beginning of the end. A "madness" of some sort seemed to infect divine beings across Ghoraja Juun, and confrontations escalated. Friends and allies battled one another, former enemies began to work together. Some of the lesser powers even banded together into 'hunting packs' in order to be able to take on more powerful deities.

    Many of the early deities were destroyed outright, others were defeated and their powers/essence absorbed by their adversaries. These battles continued for many years until few were left. Those remaining signed a compact, the 'Ythrak Paxyn' ('Exalted Peace'), agreeing to never enter into open conflict/battle again. Conflicts would now be solely determined by their proxies and mortal followers. Thus has it remained.

    The 'Ythrak-Nyn' (pron. ithrak-nin) or 'Exalted Family' is comprised of 30+ gods and goddesses (at the present). In the table below is a list of deities within the pantheon of Ghoraja Juun. Also included are their alignments, portfolios, symbols, and a reference to the Forgotten RealmsTM deity/deities to which they can be associated (if any). More detailed information about each individual deity can be viewed by clicking on their name.
Deity Name Align. Portfolio/Sphere's of Influence Symbol(s) Related Forgotten
TM Deities
Aldamar LN Justice, Law, Nobility (Rule), Order, Truth Crane Siamorphe / Tyr
Ancalagon N Dragons, Dragon-like species, Elemental Air, Treasure Hoards Dragon Head Akadi / Dragon Pantheon
Barrakis NE Assassination, Lies, Murder, Poison, Serpent-kind, Violence, Violent Death Gray-Green or Black Cobra Cyric / Bhaal / Set
Beroth* N Bards, Invention, Knowledge, Learning, Literature, Teaching Open Book Oghma / Deneir / Finder
Bhoryaal CE Cold, Ice, Snow, Winter Snowflake Auril / Ulutiu
Chyronn CE Chaos, Destruction, Lightning, Orcs, Giants & other evil humanoids, Storms Chaos Star/Arrow Talos / Orc, Giant & Other Humanoid Pantheons **
Darkjoye CN Deception, Madness, Misfortune, Scheming, Trickery Evil Jester Mask Cyric / Mask
Droghaan NG Elemental Water, Navigation, Oceans, Sailing, Sailors, Seas, Sea Creatures Dolphin Ishtisia / Umberlee / Valkur
Dyrge NE Darkness, Evil, Forgetfulness, Intelligent Undead, Loss, Necromancy, Undeath Silvery-Grey Skull Myrkul / Shar / Velsharoon
Elvaara* CG Elves5, Faerie, Fey Creatures Unicorn Elven Pantheon
Falkyr CN Battle, Combat, Strength, War, Warriors Gold Bull Tempus
Ghart CG Adventuring, Chance, Exploration, Gaming, Good Fortune, Travel Pair of Bones (Dice) Tymora
Hastur LN Poetic Justice, Retribution, Revenge, Vengeance Raven w/Gold Wing Trim Assuran / Hoar
Hurdaan N Change of Seasons, Druids, Nature Oak Leaf Mielikki / Silvanus
Illuvatar N Cynoeth1, Magic, Sorcerers, Spells, Wizards Phoenix Azuth / Mystra
Iridala* LG Beauty, Birth, Family, Fertility, Healing, Home, Love Dove Eldath / Sune
Jackandys* N Merchants, Money, Trade, Wealth Treasure Chest Waukeen
Kalkin LN Death, the Dead, Proper Burial, Tombs Ankh Kelemvor / Jergal
Khurne NG Beasts of Nature, Hunting, Hunters, Rangers, Tracking Snarling Wolf Head Malar / Gwaeron Windstrom
Loric LN Duty, Endurance, Guardians, Obedience, Perseverance, Protection, Safety, Vigilance Gryphon Helm / Torm / Ilmater
Nâzar LN Battle, Combat, Hob-goblins, Kaardon2, Naval Combat, Strategy, Tactics, War Black Tower (Rook) Tempus / Red Knight / Valkur
Nymdyl* N Divination, Dreams, Fate, Illusion, Sleep, Time3 3-Handed Pyramid with Central Eye (Illuminati) Savras / Lliera
Parnyx CG Carousing, Dance, Happiness, Joy, Music, Revelry, Youth, Vitality Gold Chalice or Harp Lliira / Sharess
Rhadyn CN Deserts, Elemental Fire, Sun Sunburst Amaunator / Kossuth / Lathander
Sylistra* CG Cats, Cat-like species, Hedonism, Passion, Pleasure, Secrets Cat Eye Nobanion / Sharess / Shar
Syth* CN Elves (Naydarin), Intrigue, Shadows, Spiders, Stealth, Thieves, Thievery Spider Lloth / Mask
Thempys N Psionics, Time Hourglass Auppenser / Chronos
Thordonar N Craftsmanship, Construction, Smith work Anvil Gond
Tomival NG Lycanthropes, Moon, Night, Stars 4 Crescent & 1 Full Moon Selune
Tykhoor* CE Dagaat4, Disease, Pain, Pestilence, Rot, Sickness, Suffering, Torture Spiked Chain Loviatar / Talona
Valan LG Chivalry, Duty, Honor, Nobility, Paladins, Valor Rearing Golden Lion Torm
Vhokuun LE Cruelty, Domination, Fear, Greed, Political Corruption, Strife, Tyranny Bisected Black & Purple Skull Bane / Cyric / Iyachtu Xvim
Yranna* LG Good, Life, Light, Peace Golden Flower of Life Eldath
Zamora* NG Agriculture, Cycle of Life, Domestication, Farmers, Farming, Halflings, Harvest Cornucopia Chauntea / Halfling Pantheon
Zur N Caverns/Caves, Dwarves, Elemental Earth, Gems, Mountains Ornate Pick-Axe Grumbar / Dwarf Pantheon


1 The Cynoeth are the bands of mystic energy that surrounds Ghoraja Juun from which all magic/magical effects are drawn

2 Kaardon are a playable race of demi-humans, for more information view their entry under 'Races'

3 Nymdyl held the Time portfolio during Thempys' absence

4 The Dagaat are a race of Rat-like humanoids native to Ghoraja Juun, for more information view their entry under 'Races'

5 Except Naydarin elves

* Indicates female deity

** Excludes Hob-goblins

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