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Ghoraja Juun is home to the majority of player character races that fantasy settings have become synonymous with (Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, etc.). However there are several differences of note which are detailed below.


(Dagaat | Dwarves | Elves | Gnomes | Halflings | Humans | Kaardon)

  1. Dagaat (Ratmen) - The Dagaat are a race of liars and cheats. They resemble bi-pedal rat-like creatures with vaguely humanoid features (similar to the Skaven of WarhammerTM). They are generally range from 3-4' in height. They are covered in a coat of soft fur that ranges in color from white to black, to varying shades of grey and brown. Eye color ranges from black to red, with brown being predominant.

    Dagaat are generally lazy and will only work when necessary. If it isn't nailed down they will try and steal it. If they can't steal it, then they will try and trick you out of it. They are easily bullied, but extremely vengeful. Most of the other races look down on them as a nuisance. Halflings and Dagaat are extremely antagonistic toward each other.

    Dagaat favor small, easily concealable weapons such as short swords and daggers. Their clothing is surprisingly clean and well-kept. They favor form fitting shirts and pants with numerous belts and pouches. They often wear voluminous, hooded cloaks to conceal themselves. Not surprisingly many Dagaat are skilled thieves, spies, and assassins. They will join local thieves guilds when possible, but are often shunned.

    Dagaat often associate with Were rats whom they view as distant kin. They are very protective of their females and young, and will sacrifice themselves to protect them. Often times their lairs are guarded/protected by 2-8 giant rats which the Dagaat raise as pets and watch animals.
    Tykhoor is generally recognized as the patron deity of the Dagaat race. Though many tend to migrate towards worshipping Syth.
  2. Dwarves - The dwarves of Ghoraja Juun are split into two distinct sub-races (Iron & Stone). Dwarves are extremely family and clan oriented - similar is some ways to the Samurai clans of feudal Japan. Zur is generally recognized as the patron deity of the Dwarven races.
    1. Iron (Hill) - Open to dealings with other races, the Iron Dwarves often act as 'middle-men' for their more reclusive cousins. Of the two races, Iron Dwarves are more likely to become adventurers.
    2. Stone (Mountain) - Reclusive and protective of their underground, mountain enclaves.
  3. Elves - There are five distinct races of elves of Ghoraja Juun; Maydarin, Naydarin, Syndarin, Taydarin, Eridarin. Elvaara is generally recognized as the patron deity of the Elven races, except as noted below.
    1. Maydarin (High/Gold) - The most numerous of the Elven races. The Maydarin are a much more free-spirited people then the rest of the elven races. Many consider their Taydarin cousins close-minded and stiff-necked toward many things, but at the same time they are respected for their knowledge and adherence to the "old ways". They cherish their Syndarin cousins because they maintain what some Maydarin refer to as the "true ways," the ways taught the original elves by the original elven gods. Many Maydarin nobles send their young sons and daughters to learn from the 'Green' elves. Most Maydarin believe that the Naydarin elves are an abomination and should be hunted down and exterminated, or at the very least banished from Ghoraja Juun. There is a small, but growing faction of young Maydarin's whose attitude toward their Shadow elf cousins and believe that they should be given the benefit of the doubt or at least a chance to redeem themselves and return to their true people. Their Eridarin cousins are considered a bit of an oddity, but over the past few centuries relations with the 'Blue' elves has greatly improved.

      The Maydarin's have a much more open attitude toward humans and the other demi-human races than the other elven peoples. Humans in particular intrigue them, and Maydarins over the years have adopted many human customs. Halflings are generally welcomed in most Maydarin communities, Dwarves are accepted but their is always an air of suspicion regarding the stout folk. Dagaat and Kaardon are generally not trusted, though most Maydarin's would be inclined to deal first with the 'flat-noses' rather than the 'rats'.

      Maydarin elves have tried to take the proverbial best of both worlds. That is, they take great pride in their elven heritage but seek to temper this some of the human 'lust for life.' Their craftsman take great pride in their work, but would rather finish the item in a reasonable amount of time and try something new, than spend years crafting a single item. Of course their are those Maydarin's who do follow the 'old' or 'true' ways

      Maydarin artwork covers a wide spectrum, though they do tend to lean toward more traditional elven subjects; plants, animals, knot work, etc. Maydarin poetry and song also vary greatly, the have great, lengthy epics as well more contemporary styles. They have adopted and/or enhanced many human songs and poems. Maydarin music is much more lively than their cousins, using all manor of instruments, with lutes, pipes and harps being most common.

      Maydarin dress is again a mix of cultures and styles. Older Maydarin's tend to dress in the traditional elven robes and mantles. Younger elves dress in whatever suits their fancy, often a mix of traditional elven and the latest human fashions.

      One area in which they adhere strictly to traditional elven ways is in the crafting of weapons and armor. Weapon and armor smiths often spend years crafting special pieces, they will often let a piece sit for years unfinished and take up other projects while contemplating the next stage in the crafting of the item.

      Religion is as an important part in the day-to-day lives of Maydarin's as it is for any race. Though the fallout from the Gods Fall Wars caused serious complications in the religious community. Though Elvaara is venerated as the patron of all elves, their are still those who worship the Seldarine. Other deities of the Ythrak Nyn, mainly Hurdaan, Iridala and Droghaan, are slowly gaining popularity among more forward thinking Maydarins. As with most elven culture, crafted items, poems, songs and the like are often dedicated to the crafters chosen deity. Religious ceremonies can range from the very somber to almost complete chaos.
    2. Naydarin (Dark/Shadow/Black) - Not all Naydarin elves are inherently evil, though even those less inclined toward evil are viewed with suspicion.

      Syth is recognized as the patron deity of the Naydarin race.
    3. Syndarin (Sylvan/Wood/Wild/Green) - Syndarin elves have as little to do with the rest of Ghoraja Juun as possible. They prefer to left alone in their forests, and fiercely guard their borders.
    4. Taydarin (Sea/Gray) - The Taydarins believe themselves to be the 'elder sibling' of the elven races. They have unique views of their 'brothers and sisters'. The Maydarin are impatient, frivolous, and entirely to obsessed with humans and the other demi-human races. The Syndarin are considered wild, and somewhat uncultured, much to rustic for the average Taydarin. They Naydarin are the "black sheep" of the elven family, tricked and corrupted by Syth. Though the other races would prefer to see them exterminated, they Taydarins believe they need to be "cleansed" and brought back into the fold. The Eridarin are nearly a complete to the Taydarins. Though they have more exposure to the aquatic elves and are on good terms with them, they Eridarin are so radically different that even after thousands of years the Taydarins are still working to understand them.

      The Taydarins are generally a reserved people, never rushing to do anything. Though when angered or threatened they are still capable of great savagery. This reserved attitude shows in their garb, art, literature and music. Most Sea elves wear clothing colored in subdued shades of blue, green, gray or white.
      Often their clothes are decorated with intricate needlework or embroidery, sea shells or gemstones. Taydarin crafters also show this reserved, non-rushed attitude. To them every item produced is a unique piece of art. It often takes months to craft even the seemingly simplest of items. Something as intricate as a suit of elven chainmail may take years to produce. Most items produced by the Taydarins have intricate patterns worked into them; geometric patterns, knot work, scrollwork, floral and woodland designs. Taydarin poetry and musical arrangements are generally long, somber affairs. Music typically features harps and flutes. Their artwork leans toward a more natural motif, animals, plants, etc. are typically the subjects of most Taydarin artwork. This is not to say that the Taydarins are boring or stodgy, just that they prefer to not show their emotions. There are several well-known, lively (almost bawdy) Taydarin songs.

      Religion plays a large role in the day-to-day lives of the Taydarins. Elvaara, as well as other members of the Ythrak Nyn, are prevalent in most aspects of Taydarin life. Prayers are offered at the start and end of each day. Any crafted item, poem, musical arrangement, etc. is dedicated to the craftsman patron deity(ies). Surprisingly, Taydarin religious services are filled with joyful prayers, songs and dances, a wide change from the normal reserved approach that is the norm.
    5. Eridarin (Aquatic/Blue) - Little is known of these reclusive elves.

      Droghaan and Elvaara share in the patronage of the Eridarin race.
  4. Gnomes - There are no gnomes on Ghoraja Juun. Despite 'heroic' efforts on the parts of deities such as Garl Glittergold and Flandal Steelskin the gnomish race and their gods died out during the Gods Fall wars. Though this doesn't preclude them from being brought back from another material plane/crystal sphere/dimension in the future.
  5. Halflings - The Halflings of Ghoraja Juun are an amalgamation of the hobbits from Lord of the RingsTM and the Warrows of MithgarTM. They are generally peaceful farmers and are oft times overlooked by the other races. They are fierce in defending their homes and lands. Hair color ranges across nearly as wide a spectrum as humans with brown and auburn being most prevalent. The eyes have a jewel-like quality and are generally blue, green or gold in color.

    Halflings hate the Dagaat with an intense passion and will oft times attack them on-sight.

    Zamora is generally recognized as the patron deity of the Halfling race.
  6. Humans - There are five distinct racial stocks of humans on Ghoraja Juun; Nordheim, Khaitani, Vilanyi, Braydish, Opakan. As well as a multitude of cross-breeds amongst the human stock races as well as with demi-human and humanoid races.
    1. Nordheim - These people most closely resemble the Scandinavian/Nordic people of our Earth. They were originally brought to Ghoraja Juun from a land they called Trondahyym. Nordheim are typically light skinned, with hair that is blonde, varying shades of brown or red in color. There eyes are typically blue or green, though brown is not uncommon. These are a hardy, stocky people usually possessing above average strength compared to other human stock races. They generally prefer more temperate climates and are used to living in harsh climates and dealing with in climate weather, and therefore are susceptible to extreme changes in temperature and climate. They number the second least of all the human races.

      Males range in height from 6'-6'6" with females averaging 5'6"-6'.
    2. Khaitani - Closely resembling the Mongol people of Earth, they are the shortest of the human stock races. They are typically darker skinned, having what looks like a perpetual tan with a light golden cast. Their hair is typically brown or black, there eyes typically hazel, green, brown or black.

      Males average from 5'-5'8" and females 4'6"-5'4" in height. A thin wiry people, they tend to gain weight as they age.
    3. Vilyani - This stock race of humans most closely resembles people of Arab or Mediterranean descent, and are the oldest of the human races on Ghoraja Juun. Their skin is darker than the Khaitani, but has an almost olive green cast to it. Hair is usually black and curly, eye color is typically black or green with blue being a rarity.

      Males average between 5-6"-6'6" and females 5'-5'10" in height.
    4. Braedysh - Numbering the least among the human stock races, the Braedysh are a bit of an anomaly. There skin is dark, nearly black, but their hair tends to hang long and strait and is primarily pale blonde or white. Their eyes are usually pale blue, green, gold or rarely red.

      Males average anywhere between 3'-7' with the females averaging 3'-6'6".
    5. Opakan - The generic, Caucasian human stock race, they are the second most abundant (after the Vilyani). Hair and eye color run the full gamut of the spectrum, from white to black for the former, ice blue to pale gold for the latter.

      Males average between 5-6"-6'6" and females 5'-5'10" in height.
  7. Kaardon - The Kaardon appeared on Ghoraja Juun shortly after the appearance of the entity known as Carnax (1354 AG). It is believed, though substantiating evidence is lacking, that the Kaardon were brought to Ghoraja Juun by Carnax from an alternate dimension. During the majority of Carnax's domination (1354-1676 AG) the Kaardon served as the shock troops of his army. But shortly before the beginning of the rebellion against Carnax's rule the Kaardonese leaders abandoned Carnax and fled with their people.

    When the Kaardon finally rebelled against Carnax the Destroyer and fled they sailed for months trying to find a home. They travelled from port to port, speaking with various governments, looking for a place to settle. Because of their past history of serving Carnax, many of the existing nations turned them away. In some cases they were actually attacked and driven away.

    Finally, after nearly two and a half years of searching they found the islands of the Carcosan Archipelago. To their delight, the islands were virtually uninhabited by any of the 'intelligent' races. Several tribes of goblins and other humanoids were found, but the Kaardon quickly disposed of them.

    The Kaardon's original homeland, which they called Rythaark, was an extremely stark, harsh and barren land. So when they were initially brought to Ghoraja Juun by Carnax they were quite shocked by the fertility of the lands.

    It took a great deal of time after the defeat of Carnax for the Kaardon to prove themselves to the other races. Not until nearly 300 years after there settlement of Carcosa were they able to travel to other nations without being ignored, scorned or even attacked.

    The Kaardon are a warrior people, the environment of their original home world made this a necessity. But in their time on Ghoraja Juun they have developed into a much more diverse people. Military matters still dominate Kaardonese society, and many Kaardon have taken up life as mercenaries. But, they have learned to make use of their skill as sailors and what was once a nearly non-existent merchant class is now a powerful force in the empire.

    Kaardon are very open-minded in their views of other races. They particularly admire dwarves and dwarven craftsmanship. Many Kaardonese noble families will spend vast amounts of money to contract dwarves to build their homes  or do stone/metal work for them. Most of the elven races are considered a bit stiff-necked and haughty. Dagat, Humans and Halflings are pretty much taken as they come. With the relatively recent subversion of the Hob-Goblin race away from Chyronn's patronage and increasing number of these humanoids can be found in the empire. They have thus far been generally well-received.

    The Kaardon are largely a practical people, and this is reflected in their dress, arts and crafts. The traditional Kaardonese garb is a combination of heavily padded cloth and leather (think Klingons from Star Trek), this was largely due to the environment of their homeworld. With tht much milder climate of Ghoraja Juun, they have kept traditional designs but have modified the materials the use. Kaardon's favor darker colors; brown, blue, black, maroon, etc. Kaardonese artwork favors their passions,; war, hunting and sailing. Geometric patterns are also quite popular. Their music is simple and relies heavily on drums and pipes. The Kaardon have little poetry, but favor epic stories about heroic deeds and grand battles.

    Since being brought to Ghoraja Juun the Kaardon have embraced the deities of the Ythrak Nyn. Though the majority of Kaardon still revere Nâzar. Deities such as Falkyr, Droghaan and Thordonar have large followings, with the churches of Tomival, and Zamora slowly growing.


(Dagaat | Dwarves | Elves | Halflings | Humans | Kaardon)

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