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Elvaandor - Kingdom of the Maydarin Elves

(Background | Geography | Weather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Realm | Notable Places)

  1. Background: Elvaandor is the recognized homeland of the Maydarin elves. There are several other large Maydarin settlements across Ghoraja Juun (Cirdan, Kalmir, Menelnar, Heartshill), but Elvaandor is where the High Council lives and rules from.

  2. Geography: Elvaandor lies approximately 50 miles of of the southern coast of Seynorea. The island is largely covered with lush forests and rolling hills. Like Telperion (homeland of the Taydarin elves), nearly every variety of non-tropical plant can be found growing here. Compared to Telperion, Elvaandor has much more open terrain. Much of the shoreline is covered in beaches of fine white sand. The forests of Elvaandor teem with wildlife and the seas around the island support an abundance of aquatic life.On the eastern coast of the island is a deep bay. The port town of Cyranis sits upon the bay's north shore.

  3. Weather: Elvaandor enjoys beautiful weather nearly year round. However, during winter the island is often battered by powerful storms. Because of the influence of elven High Magic even the affect of these storms is somewhat minimized.

  4. Notable Personages: See Personalities page
  5. Inhabitants: Though Elvaandor is recognized as the homeland of the Maydarin elves, it is lightly populated. There are approximately 25,000 elves living on the island. Of these nearly 3,000 live in Cyranis and most of the remainder in Elvaandor City. The non-elven population is approximately 2,500 living in and around Cyranis.
    1. Maydarin Elves (see entry under Races)
    2. Other Elven Sub-races - Small populations of Taydarin (primarily in Cyranis or Elvaandor City), Syndarin (deep in the forests), and Naydarin (Cyranis only) are present.
    3. Sylvan Races - Elvaandor has small populations of nearly all of the faery and sylvan races (pixes, centaurs, sprites, etc.). A single unicorn stallion is said to be the guardian of the wild lands, but few outside the elves have ever seen it.
    4. Humans and other Demi-Humans - As stated above all non-elven inhabitants of Elvaandor live in and around Cyranis. All of the major races can be found here, humans being the most prevalent followed by Halflings, Kaardon, Dagaat, and Dwarves.
    5. Dragon(s) - At least one male, adult Diamond dragon (Muinnellim or Starshine) makes its home on Elvaandor. The Maydarins do not speak openly of him. But it is of popular belief that the dragon is on friendly terms with the High Council. Rumors abound that the dragon can be seen soaring above the island when Tomival is large and bright in the sky.
  6. Defenders of the Realm: Though Elvaandor is much more open toward the rest of Ghoraja Juun, the safety of their homeland is taken very seriously. The Maydarins will go to nearly any lengths to make sure their homeland is safe and secure.
    1. Naval Forces - Though not nearly the sailors that their Taydarin cousins are, the fleet of Elvaandor is very capable. The fleet numbers approximately 50 ships, though in times of war merchant ships are commandeered and converted for military use as needed.
      1. 'Eagle' Class - Theses ships are the workhorses of the fleet. Similar to the Taydarin 'Corsair' class ships (150' long x 30-40' beam), they are a match for all but the largest ships of any other nation. The sails are often adorned with the crest of whatever noble house(s) sponsored the construction of the vessel, and most carry elaborate bowsprits of various design. Theses ships typically carry 3-5 large and 2 medium weapons. They may be equipped with a ram and can carry a complement of up to 50 maries.
      2. 'Osprey' Class - These are the smallest (90' long x 20' beam) true warship in the Maydarin navy. They most resemble a Viking long ship. They are capable of great speed with either oars or sails. These ships also carry elaborate bowsprits covered in ancient elven runes and glyphs. They are typically armed with a medium catapult and a single ballista. They often carry a complement of up to 20 marines as well.
      3. 'Falcon' Class - These are small, very fast ships primarily used for scouting and coastal patrols. Though capable of making extended sea journeys, they rarely venture far from the coast. They typically carry one or two light ballista's.
      4. Taydarin Marines - Well trained and experienced the Taydarin marines are the envy of many other navies. Even when not on active duty, marines will often sign-on to merchant ships as additional crew or guards. The 'Sea Wolves' are an elite marine force that train year-round and take on a multitude of missions.

        A Maydarin marine typically goes with either very light or no armor, they are typically armed with short sword, dagger, club (belaying pin), and longbow. The Sea Wolves are typically armed with cutlass, dagger, club, spear and longbow.
    2. Aerial Forces - Unlike their Taydarin cousins, Elvaandor has few aerial troops. A small detachment (approx. 20) of Griffon riders stationed just outside of Cyranis make up the entire complement. The griffons are bred from the same stock as those used on Telperion, and are bred not to eat horse meat.

      The griffon riders are elite Taydarin warriors handpicked for this assignment.
    3. Ground Forces - Elvaandor, like Telperion, maintains a small standing army at all times. Other troops are available in times of need, and drill several times each year to keep their skills honed.
      1. Taydarin Warrior - Typically armored in light to medium armor, armed with short bow and melee weapons of choice.
      2. Taydarin Archer - These soldiers specialize in the use of the longbow. In this group ere their skills are honed even sharper, making this one of the deadliest groups of soldiers in any army. They normally wear light to medium armor (most prefer leather), armed with the finest longbows, multiple quivers, and melee weapons of choice.
      3. Taydarin Knights - Skilled young elven nobles of various houses. Typically wear plate mail or plate armor, weapons are personal choice but always consist of some type of sword and lance.
      4. Guardians of Truth (Tower Guards) - This group is hand-picked by the War Marshall and assigned five-year terms. They are considered to be the elite of the Taydarin army and take their responsibilities most seriously. They wear plate armor and are typically armed with halberds, long swords and daggers.
      5. Constabulary - During times of war the constabulary falls under the jurisdiction and control of the War Marshall. They are typically used as scouts, skirmishers or light infantry.


  7. Notable Places: Elvaandor is home to numerous interesting locales, from beautiful elven cities, to ancient ruins to awe inspiring natural vistas.
    1. Elvaandor City - Laid out in a diamond pattern Elvaandor City is the paragon of Maydarin elf construction. The Tower of Truth, where the High Council meets, occupies the exact center of the city. Around this tower lies the temple complex of Elvaara, the Tower of Magery, where the most powerful of Maydarin mages gather to compare notes, trade spells, study and do research. Governmental buildings, and houses of the more prominent noble and merchant families can also be found here. Beyond ththis intial ring of buildings lie more houses and various shops and other businesses. There are numerous small park areas scattered throughout the city.

      The walls of Elvaandor City are 20' high and made from a smooth, pale-grey marble. The inner surface of the walls are covered with large paintings, bas-reliefs and frescoes. At each 'point' of the diamond sits an immense (100'x60'x60') tower gate complex allowing access to the city. The gates themselves are fashioned from the same pale-grey stone as the walls. When closed there is no discernible seam or gap.
    2. Cyranis - The diplomatic and economic center of Elvaandor, here are the embassies, docks, shipyards, warehouses, and the naval headquarters. Those noble families heavily involved in the merchant trade have residences here. Cyranis, unlike other Maydarin cities, has no fixed design. It more or less just sprawls along the coast of a protected bay. Several non-elven merchants have made their homes in Cyranis.


(Background | Geography | Weather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Realm | Notable Places)

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