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Empire of Seynorea

(Background | Government & Economics | Noble Families | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Empire | Notable Places )

  1. Background: The Seynorean Empire is the largest single political entity on Ghoraja Juun. It encompasses all of what is left of the central portion of the former continent of Ashtalarea. The center of imperial power is located in the capitol city Seynorea.

    Seynorea, once known as Vicaard, was the capitol of the continent-spanning empire once ruled by Carnax the Terrible. An alien entity that once dominated much of Ghoraja Juun. After Carnax's defeat, an imperial legate, Baron Kristoph Seynor, managed to seize control of the core of what was left of Carnax's empire. He renamed the capitol city and thus was the Seynorean Empire born.

    Other major cities (Videssos, Karnak, Peridia, Y'Gora, Vhalzein, Rovac), are ruled by Imperial Governors, smaller towns and large villages by Imperial Legates, Mayors or village elders. Each of these leaders report up to the next highest ranking official based on geographic location.

    Ex. Village Elder reports to Mayor, Mayor to Legate, Legate to Governor, Governor to Minister of State - an official appointed by the Emperor.

  2. Government & Economics: The empire is nearly self-sufficient. It contains vast quantities of natural resources and exports both raw materials of all kinds as well as finished goods. Imports are sparse, consisting largely of luxury and specialty items. Despite its large size and penchant for political in-fighting by the noble families the Empire's government is fairly efficient. Obviously a level of corruption exists, but it seems to have little affect on the day-to-day operations. The various governmental bodies are policed by the Imperial Intelligence Agency, which in turn is policed by a panel of nobles.

  3. Noble Families: Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the empire is the constant political maneuvering done by the various noble families. The constant back-stabbing, assassinations, and semi-private wars have been a favorite topic of discussion by scholars for several hundred years. There are 56 major noble families involved in the intrigues of the Emerald Throne court. Each is constantly trying to gain an upper-hand/advantage in a bid to gain control of various parts of the government, the throne itself, or directly influence who sits on it. Undeclared 'House Wars' occur constantly, often with the losing side begging for imperial intervention or protection. Alliances can change daily, with changes being based on anything from a grave insult to a simple courtesy. Each noble house maintains its own private troops, often supplemented by mercenaries. The Imperial Legions are forbidden from entering into any 'House War' unless portions of the government or the Imperial compound itself is under attack. Below is a list of the major noble families and their house crests.

    House Name House Crest/Colors/Coat-of-Arms House Name House Crest/Colors/Coat-of-Arms
    Corryno* Circle of 5 blue stars on gold field Kurgon Golden gryphon on red field
    Varota Black panther on gold field Marikaas Crossed silver sabers over silver crescent moon on white field
    DiVega Hand holding yellow flame on green field Imyrr Purple circle on black field
    Blacktower Black tower on navy blue field Myranaar Black sunburst on gold field
    Dragonstorm Black wyrm's head on blood red field Baradakus Green and gold cobra on black field
    Thorkle Yellow sun over crossed swords on white field Chalcedaan Orca on sea-blue field
    Danneskld Double headed black eagle on green field Dorada Tiger head on white field
    Albaren Red, yellow & green sunburst on white field Wakeford Horned owl on white field
    Kondrak 3 yellow triangles on white field Seynor Black eagle on white field
    Ravensheart Spread-winged raven silhouette on red field Hightower White tower on pale-gray field
    Illesid Black-tipped crane on white field Bendraazi Blue and white quartered circle on black field
    Disraeli Osprey on blue field Vhalzein Black chess knight on yellow field
    Kolvir Silver roses on black field Vanniaas Red Eye of Horus on black field
    Altheas Crimson and black scorpion on silver field Belveruus Green snake in black circle on dark-gray field
    Soros Merchant ship on navy blue field Kesrith Standing brown bear on yellow field
    Ramyrez Spread-winged phoenix on white field Zakaad Bat over silver circle on black field
    Shadowstar White 8-pointed star on black field Rowe Ram on blue field
    McCloud Brown stallion on navy blue and white field Foxworth Fox on grass-green field
    Cogliosto Helmet, crossed pole-arms & scroll in red circle on dark blue field Bettencourte White gryphon on red polygon on gray field
    Juukata Blue sea serpent wrapped around black trident on white field Morgenstern Black stallion on green field
    Rojhaan Spread-winged falcon on black field Blackpoole Stylized yellow diamond on black field
    Cabra Lighthouse on sea-blue field Ginaz Steer skull on sand/tan field
    Kashfa Dual brown gargoyles on white field Crawforde Blue dragon head on white field
    Talan Eagle head on gray field Delon Yellow sun contained in red crescent moon on white field
    Cluvonus Spread-winged Pegasus on light-blue field Venada Eagle eating snake on green field
    Helstrom Encircled red star on black field Starflower Starflower over sword on white field
    Occuda Crossed stylized keys on gray field Umfazi Black shield with lion head over 3 spears on green field
    Draakenmoor Silver serpent on dark green field Waterforde Ships wheel on light-blue field

    * Current ruling dynasty

  4. Notable Personages: See Personalities page
  5. Inhabitants: The Seynorean Empire is home to peoples of all races. While predominantly human, the largest non-human populations are of Halflings and Kaardon. The Dagaat and Elf populations are the lowest with Dwarves falling somewhere in the middle.

    Two large Dwarven clan-holds, Karak (Hill) and Zurak (Stone), fall within the borders of the empire, but these remain independent and do not answer to the Emerald Throne. Trade pacts have been forged between the empire and these clan-holds, and relations remain friendly though strained at times. Dwarves found outside these clan-holds are usually from smaller, independent clans or outcasts.

    Several of the larger forests are home to clans of Syndarin elves, who generally avoid contact and fiercely defend their homes. Maydarin elves are generally found employed as merchants, sailors, adventurers or scholars. Naydarin elves, though few, may be involved in anything. Taydarin elves are extremely rare and those few that visit the empire will be ambassadors, powerful merchants or adventurers.

    Halflings in the empire can be found in all manners of employment. They are the most-accepted of the non-human races and some hold influential positions within the government. Many inns, taverns, etc. have areas that are specifically catered to Halflings (appropriate sized furniture, etc.)

    Kaardon found with in the empire are generally employed as mercenaries, sailors or adventurers. Small numbers of Kaardonese merchants visit the empires though much of their dealings are handled by hired factors.

    The Dagaat population is almost exclusively found in the cities, generally in the poorer areas. Most are either independent or guild-based thieves, though some are employed by the cities to clean sewers, hunt vermin, etc. Jobs generally disdained by the majority of the population.

    A small percentage of the population is made up of various humanoids and half-breeds; Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Hob-goblins, Orcs and even a rare ogre may be found.
  6. Defenders of the Empire: For a nation of its size Seynorea, except for its navy, has a relatively small military. Most of the noble houses either employ mercenaries or have dedicated house troops. The Imperial Legions, though small numerically, are highly-trained and well-equipped. In times of war they are often supplemented with mercenaries or with troops from the nobles houses. The Emerald Guard, which are stationed in the two imperial compounds, are among the finest soldiers in the world  and undergo 18 months of intense, rigorous training. They undergo additional training three times per year with each training session lasting up to one month. While the Imperial Navy, doesn't quite match the standards of the legions, what it lacks in quality is more than made up for in sheer numbers. The Imperial Seynorean Navy outnumbers the navy of any other nation or city-state by at least a two-to-one margin.
    1. Imperial Legions: The legions of the empire are highly trained and well organized. There is a highly detailed and ordered chain of command. Seynorean legions are similar to that of Earth's ancient Rome. The headquarters of the Imperial Legions (the Legionarium) is located in the city of Rovac.

      An Imperial Legion's backbone is the Legionnaire (common soldier), also known as a 'trooper'. Ranked above the Legionnaire is the Senturian (Sergeant), the Daymon (Lieutenant), the Tribune (Captain), the Precept (Colonel), General, and War Marshall.

      A typical legion is built on groups of 10, 10 legionnaires comprise a Squad, 10 squads comprise a Cohort, 10 cohorts comprise a Legion. Along with the base groupings of 10 are the officers and other support personnel. A Senturian is assigned to each squad, a Daymon is assigned for every 5 squads, a Tribune is assigned for every cohort, a Precept for every 5 cohorts, and a general for every legion. A legion also maintains a cohort of engineers, a cohort of artillerists, a cohort of support personnel (blacksmiths, teamsters, priests, etc.) and two squads of pathfinders (scouts). This gives a legion an overall size of nearly 1,500 men. The Imperial War Marshall is the overall commander of the legions and has nearly total control.

      There are 15 complete legions (12 regular, 3 Imperial Guard) plus several extra cohorts of Imperial Pathfinders, Cavalry, Engineers, and Artillerists. Below is a breakdown of the legions and their current home bases:
      City/Location Complement
      Seynorea 2 Legions - Imperial Guard, 1 Legion - Regulars
      Karnak 1 Legion - Imperial Guard, 4 Legions - Regulars
      Videssos 1 Legion - Regulars
      Vhalzein 2 Legions - Regulars, 1 Cohort - Imperial Pathfinders
      Rovac 4 Legions - Regulars, 2 Cohorts - Imperial Pathfinders, 2 Cohorts - Lt. Cavalry, 3 Cohorts - Heavy Cavalry, 3 Cohorts - Imperial Engineers, 2 Cohorts - Imperial Artillerists

      A typical legionnaire is dressed in scale armor, carries a medium shield, and is armed with a short sword, hand axe, dagger and a sheaf of javelins. Three members of each squad are armed with short bows in place of the javelins. A senturian is typically dressed in chainmail, carries a medium shield, and is armed with short sword, hand axe, dagger and a missile weapon of choice. Imperial Guard are armed and armored as a regular trooper but are additionally armed with halberds. All legionnaires are given basic instruction in the use of spears/pikes to fend off cavalry charges.

      The Imperial Pathfinders are the scouts/woodmen/rangers of the legions. They are highly trained and usually act as an independent unit or as  an individual. They may additionally be used as skirmishers or as additional Lt. Cavalry. Pathfinders are typically dressed in leather (or studded) armor, and are armed with hand axe, dagger, long bow and any other weapon of choice.

    2. Imperial Navy: As noted earlier the Imperial Seynorean Navy is the largest known naval force on Ghoraja Juun. Although the over-all quality of its ranks do not quite meet those of the Imperial Legions, they are disciplined and well-trained. The main naval headquarters, the Aquaticon, is located in the city of Vhalzein.

      An imperial naval squadron consists of five ships (1 Hurricane class, 2 Shark class, 2 Swordfish class), a flotilla is made up of three squadrons, and a fleet is comprised of three flotillas. Below is a deployment listing of the Imperial Navy.


      • "Hurricane Class" - The largest of the Seynorean warships, they are usually assigned as a squadron flagships. There are a total of 32 of this class ship, with one specifically assigned for use by the Emerald Throne and one as the Grand Admiral's flagship. The Hurricane is long (140') and broad (55' beam) with three masts, but no oars, with 'castles' fore and aft. They typically carry two large, three to five medium or small ship-to-ship weapons, and may carry up to five squads of Imperial Marines. They typically carry a crew of approximately 80 sailors.
      • "Shark Class" - The mainstay of the imperial fleet. typically two are assigned to each squadron, and three assigned to the imperial flag squadron. The Shark class is 100' long with a 30' beam. They carry two masts and can be fitted with oars if deemed necessary. They carry 2 large and up to three medium/small sized ship-to-ship weapons and carry a heavy ram. They also may carry up to two squads of marines. Typical complement is approximately 50 sailors.
      • "Swordfish Class" - These are the smallest and fastest ships in the Imperial Navy, and are often used for scouting and coastal patrolling. They carry a single mast and are armed with a light ballista along with a crew of 15 sailors. In times of war they may also carry a squad of marines.
      • Imperial Marines - Imperial marines receive training similar to that of a normal legionnaire, in addition to added training as in seamanship. They are formidable opponents on both land and sea. Marines typically wear chainmail (land-based) or leather (at sea) and are armed with short sword, dagger, cudgel (belaying pin), and either lt. crossbow or short bow.
      City/Location Complement
      Peridia 1 Squadron
      Videssos 2 Flotillas
      Y'Gora 2 Flotillas (1 over strength totaling 35 ships)
      Vhalzein 4 Flotillas, Imperial Flag Squadron (10 ships)
      Rovac 2 Squadrons, 1 Legion of Imperial Marines


  7. Notable Places: Listed below are the major cities of the empire as well as some other interesting locations. There are many other smaller towns, villages, and hamlets scattered across the empire. Only the high-points and important structures will be discussed here.
    1. Seynorea - One of the largest cities on Ghoraja Juun, Seynorea is the hub of most governmental activity in the empire. All dictates of the Emerald Throne are issued from the imperial compound and delivered to the various imperial governors, legates and agents through the empire. The city is located in the center of a broad, bowl-like valley in the Elosian Highlands. Most of the city is surrounded by 20' walls, broken every 100 yards by a 30' guard tower. The main (or Eagle's) gate is a mammoth structure with two 60' towers and huge, 30' granite doors three feet thick. The imperial highway stretches northwest to Videssos and southwest to Y'Gora. Outside the city walls, though away from the main gates, is a maze of ramshackle huts, lean-tos, live stock pens and clapboard houses known as 'Dirt Town'. The poor and destitute as well as some of the more unsavory residents of the city make there home here.

      Seynorea is a sprawling city dominated by three structures; the Imperial Palace, Impertarium (Imperial Intelligence Agency HQ), and the House of the Just Hand - largest temple dedicated to Aldamar on Ghoraja Juun. The temple also serves as the main chapterhouse of the Aldamarian Knights. The Imperial Palace sits atop a low rise in the southern part of the city. It is an immense compound, covering some 1,000 acres. The compound's main gates open onto a large square fronted by several temples. Directly across the square from the Palace compound is the House of the Just Hand, a mid-sized, squat castle of gray-white stone that bristles with defenses. To the right is a temple of Iridala (Dove's Rest) and to the left a temple of Zamora (Harvest Hall). Temples and shrines to most of the other deities are located throughout the city. Radiating out from the square are several streets lined with the houses of noble families and powerful merchants. The more influential the family, the larger and more ornate the house.

      As with any large city, a powerful thieves' guild makes its home here. The "Brothers of the Night" (members wear a necklace with an onyx crescent moon beneath their clothing) control approximately 70% of all illegal activities, a few smaller guilds (Moon Spiders, Shadow Rats, and Black Wings) also exist and control the remainder.

      All of the major crafts maintain guilds, and each guild has one or more representatives in the Drokkarum, an organization that oversees the business and mercantile activities in Seynorea as well as some of the other major cities. The Drokkarum sets prices, wages, terms of indenture and/or apprenticeship, almost anything that has to do with commerce.

      Obviously Seynorea is a hotbed of of political intrigue. All of the major houses have either residences within the walls or estates within a short trip from the city. The imperial court is filled with rumors, secret meetings, saboteurs, subtle, but non-lethal poisoning, nearly anything but out and out murder. On numerous occasions members of various noble families have been attacked while travelling through the city. A single imperial legion and two legions of the Emerald (Imperial) Guard are stationed within the city and Imperial compound.

      Population: Approx. 550,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Jyrlin Varota (L5 Mage)
    2. Videssos: Located amid shrub lands on a semi-protected bay south of the Elosian Highlands and west of the River Reaching, Videssos is one of four major ports (Rovac, Vhalzein and Y'gora being the others) in the empire. An arm of the Imperial Highway system stretches eastward from the 'Dawn Gate' to intersect with the main north-south route out of the capitol in the small town of Atnalta's Cross. Videssos' primary businesses are fishing, and mercantile shipping. It is well known for its hotels, inns, and restaurants specializing in seafood.

      Videssos' layout is a confusing maze of narrow streets and alleys, though there are two main thoroughfares' running east to west. The harbor is large, and maintains facilities for ship repair and construction. The city is also home to two flotilla's of the Imperial Navy.

      A large part of the northeast portion of the city is taken up by the grounds of the White Hearth, the largest temple dedicated to Iridala on the planet. The temple sits in the center of a large park-like area and is considered one of the most beautiful man-made locations in existence.

      Population: Approx. 190,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Dahlstrol Kolvir (L8 Ftr)
    3. Karnak: Nestled among low hills at the base of the great mountain Grimspire, Karnak is the largest city in the empire and possibly the largest on Ghoraja Juun. The city is surrounded by immense walls 30' high and 20' thick. Guard towers 50' in height are spaced along the walls every 200'. Three gates open up into the city; The Wolf Gate (northwest), Dragon Gate (south) and the Lion Gate (northeast). These gates are housed in huge bastions and are made of steel-banded wooden beams 5' thick. The gates have also been enchanted to be resistant to fire, lightning, acid and cold. Branches of the Imperial Highway can be accessed via the Wolf and Dragon gates.

      The city is laid out in a pentagonal pattern, with the three gates acting as 'points' and the 'base' butted up against the base of Grimspire. There are two large avenue's that bisect the city. The Avenue of the Emerald Throne runs north from the Dragon Gate through the heart of the city. The Avenue of the Lion runs east-to-west  between the Wolf and Lion gates. Karnak acts as a secondary capitol and contains the Emerald Manor, the summer residence for the Emperor and his court. The walled grounds of the manor butt up against the northern city wall and the base of Grimspire. To the east of the Emerald Manor is the Tower Arcane - the Imperial Battle Mage College/HQ. The Tower Arcane consists of a circle of seven towers all interconnected.

      Other buildings of note: The Lion's Den - largest temple dedicated to Valan and main chapterhouse for the Order of the Golden Lion. Located in the center of the city and surrounded by a large park-like area. The Radiant Citadel - a temple of Illuvatar, located northeast of the Wolf Gate in the midst of the Merchant's ward. Smaller temples and shrines to most other gods can also be found throughout the city.

      Karnak is also a hotbed for political intrigue, second only to Seynorea. Most of the major noble families maintain some sort of  residence within the city. A legion of the Emerald (Imperial) Guard is stationed on the grounds of the Emerald Manor, and four Imperial Legions occupy fortifications outside the city. The Brothers of the Night have a strong presence here, controlling nearly 50% of all illegal activities.

      Population: Approx. 1,250,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Istvan DiVega (L9 Ftr)
    4. Peridia: Located near the northern shore of the Sea of Hope, southeast of Lake Elryz, Peridia is one of the smaller cities in the empire. It is the empire's only port on the Sea of Hope and plays a major role in the economic well-being of the southern provinces. The land surrounding the city is mostly open and covered in various types of short grasses. The land is nutrient rich and excellent for farming. The city is surrounds by 15' walls broken by guard towers every 300'. The city has two large gates, the Sun Gate on the eastern side and the Gate of the Gods on the north.

      Peridia is not built in any particular pattern or style, it follows along the shoreline of the Sea of Hope. The streets are a jumbled maze of curving streets and alleys. Peridia has only two buildings of any consequence, a Temple of Droghaan, and the local HW for the Imperial Naval squadron that is assigned here.

      Population: Approx. 65,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Vladimir Soros (L4/3 Rog/Ftr)
    5. Y'Gora: The city on the shores of a deep bay on the western coast, along the northern bank of the Melor river. It is surrounded by low (12') walls on the east and north sides. The south and west sides are covered by a vast series of docks and wharves and piers. Y'Gora is the largest of the empire's western ports and ships set sail to nearly all parts of Ghoraja Juun. The land surrounding the city is somewhat sandy, but nutrient rich, encouraging the growth of large farms along both banks of the river.

      The city is laid out in a simple grid pattern, with streets running either north-south or east-west. This makes life much simpler for the vast amounts of merchants and travelers that flow constantly in and out of the city. Because of the vast amounts of merchant traffic, Y'Gora is an extremely wealthy city, goods and services come at a premium. Y'Goran's take pride in their home and for a city of its size it is quite clean.

      There are four parks as well as several museums and theatres spread throughout the city. Much of the southern and western quarters of the city are devoted to the sea and the industries it supports. Warehouses, fisheries, shipyards, etc., any business that supports or is dependent on the sea can be found in these areas.

      Sizable temples to Droghaan and Zamora, as well as smaller temples and shrines to Thordonar, Chyronn and Yranna are located within the city walls. Most of the noble families who have any kind of shipping and/or mercantile business maintain some sort of residence here.

      In a city through which money flows at such a prodigious rate, illegal activities abound. Smugglers, black marketers and the like can be found if one knows where to look. The Brothers of the Night and a newly formed guild, the Shadow Serpents, control all illegal activity. The Drokkarum wields much power here, the merchants and guildsman have a substantial influence on local politics.

      Two over-strength flotillas of the Imperial Navy are stationed here.

      Population: Approx. 150,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Desmond Umfazi (L7 Rngr)
    6. Vhalzein: Situated near the shore of a deep inlet, south of both the Corsay river and the Northwood, Vhalzein is a large, sprawling city. The city is surrounded by walls 20' high and 10' thick. Every 100 yards is a tall, narrow guard tower. Three heavily fortified gates, in the north, east and south walls provide access to the city. The land around Vhalzein is covered in a variety of short grasses and is adequate for both farming and raising livestock.

      Vhalzein's layout can be confusing to those unfamiliar with the city. Several large avenues bisect the city from east to west. But in between these avenues are a warren of smaller streets and alleys. At least 65% of all businesses in the city are somehow associated with the Imperial Navy or the sea. There are numerous inns, taverns, and casinos. The Aquaticon, or Imperial Naval Headquarters, towers over every other building within the city walls. Temples dedicated to Droghaan, Falkyr, Zamora, Tomival and Parnyx are spread across the city. A vast series of shipyards, docks and piers cover much of the city's western outskirts.

      Vhalzein, being primarily a military town, has a relatively low crime rate. The city watch is made up primarily of former sailors and imperial legionnaires. A single Imperial Legion, and a cohort of Imperial Pathfinders are stationed in a fortified outpost north of the city. Four regular strength flotillas and the Imperial Flag Squadron (10 ships) are stationed here.

      Population: Approx. 85,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Jared Marikaas (L6/L6 Ftr/Prst-Tomival)
    7. Rovac: Nestled in the pass of Shadows along the southwestern coast, Rovac is more a city-sized fort than a real city. With walls 25' high and 30' thick it is perhaps the most fortified city on all of Ghoraja Juun. Guard towers 40' high are spaced every 200' with lower, heavier emplacements for various siege engines located in between. Four immense, dwarven-built gatehouses provide entrance to the city. Each gatehouse is a 50'x50'x50' block of granite. The top levels are crenellated and each gatehouse houses an immense (8' thick) steel banded, granite gate with two portcullis'. The land around Rovac is rocky, but fertile enough to grow crops and raise limited herds of livestock.

      Rovac is laid out in a diamond pattern, with a gatehouse at each 'point'. The streets are laid out in a uniform grid. Each 'quarter' of the city is in affect a self-contained entity, with all essential shops and businesses such as armories, blacksmiths, tanners, weapon smiths, etc. The city's port facilities are self contained and separated from the rest of the city by a walled-in 'highway'. The Legionarium, or Imperial Legion Headquarters, occupies a fortified keep in the center of the city. Temples to Droghaan, Falkir, Loric, and Kalkin occupy predominant locations. The High House of Battle, largest known temple of Falkyr also houses the chapterhouse of the Knights of the Golden Blade. Rovac is also the base of operations for several large mercenary organizations who have been allowed to build outposts in the nearby countryside.

      Rovac as almost no crime, largely because of the discipline of the legionnaires. There is considerable trade for resources not obtainable in the nearby countryside. The typical military complement stationed in Rovac is as follows:

      4 Imperial Legions, 2 cohorts of Imperial Pathfinders, 2 cohorts of Imperial Lancers (Lt. Cavalry), 3 cohorts of Imperial heavy Horse (Hvy. Cavalry), 2 cohorts of Imperial Engineers, 3 cohorts of Imperial Artillerists.

      Two squadrons of the Imperial Navy are stationed in the port and several Imperial Battle Mages are always in residence here.

      Population: Approx. 15,000
      Current Imperial Governor: General Tyson Ravensheart (L12 Ftr)
    8. Castle Helstrom: Located on the southern tip of the Isle of Mists, Castle Helstrom was once the southern most outpost of the empire. Several hundred years ago the Helstrom family was forced to abandon the castle because of numerous humanoid attacks. The remains of the castle and town rest on a high cliff overlooking the Sunset Ocean. Plans have been discussed to re-occupy the castle, but no actions have taken place as of yet.
    9. The Hightower: Located at the western end of the Pass of Dragons, the Hightower is the ancestral home of the Hightower family. The Hightower is a large, fortified keep occupying the summit of a large hill on the southern side of the pass. The soil of the pass has limited potential for growing crops, though it is suitable for raising heartier strains of livestock such as goats.

      The town of Hightower has spread out from the base of the hill and encompasses a large area of the floor of the pass. The town itself has no walls, but several substantial fortified outposts are spread across the mouth of the pass in its defense. Hightower is primarily a mining community, providing precious metals and gems to the western half of the empire. A small clan of Stone Dwarves (clan Rockhammer), are key players in the welfare of the city. A small thieves guild (a branch of the Brothers of the Night) control what little illegal activities exists. Small temples to Falkyr, Thordonar and Zur are some of the more notable structures. The defense of the city falls primarily on the house troops and mercenaries employed by House Hightower. Though the Rockhammer dwarves may be counted on if the threat is great enough.

      Population: Approx. 10,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Baron Walbrek Hightower (L6 Pal - Falkyr)
    10. Dragonstorm Castle: Located at the entrance to a large valley at the eastern end of the Earthfast mountains, Dragonstorm Castle, like the Hightower, is less a city and more a fortified land-holding. The castle is the ancestral home of the Dragonstorm family, and sits on three small hills with the city of Dragon' Gap spreading out around it.

      Dragon's Gap is surrounded by 10' high walls with 20' watch towers spaced every 500' feet.

      Though a thriving mining community, the soil around Dragon's Gap is nutrient rich and crops grow in abundance. The city does much trade with the dwarven clan-hold of Karak which is located deep within the nearby valley. A couple of small Hill Dwarf families have taken up residence in the city and act as agents for their brethren within the clan-hold. Criminal activities are kept to a minimum, the occasional robbery being among the worst crimes. There are small temples to Thordonar, Zur, Zamora, and Aldamar in the city.

      Like Hightower, defense of the city and the nearby countryside falls to troops loyal to House Dragonstorm and any mercenaries they employ.

      There is a Parnyxian abbey located in the hills approximately 12 miles south of the castle. The priests and monks there make several superb vintages of wines and brandies.

      Population: Approx. 21,000
      Current Imperial Governor: Baron Corum Dragonstorm (L9 Prst - Zur)
    11. Urak: Located north-northwest of Vhalzein near the shore of a deep bay, Urak was once one of the largest, most important cities in the empire. It was a great center for learning and home to several bardic colleges and schools of magic. In 568 AG a huge humanoid army descended out of the Frozen Peaks and attacked the city. The battle lasted two weeks, but in the end the city was overrun and sacked. After the battle, Urak was abandoned, it was deemed unsuitable for habitation. It is rumored that much of the magical treasure kept by the various schools, colleges and temples was never recovered.

      In the years since its destruction, various humanoids and other creatures have come to inhabit the ruins. Urak has become a favored place for adventuring parties to test their mettle and hopefully recover some of the lost treasure.


(Background | Government & Economics | Noble Families | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Empire | Notable Places )

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