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Telperion and Taramir - Homeland of the Taydarin Elves

(Background | Geography | Weather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Realm | Notable Places | Taydarin Lexicon)

  1. Background: Telperion, which roughly translates to "Beloved Home" from high Elvish is the homeland of the sea-faring Taydarin (Sea/Grey) Elves. Until recently, few of any race, even other elven races, have been allowed onto the islands. In 2008 AG the clerics and monks of the Berothian temple in Ard were graced with the presence of Lord Gildor Damodred, chief librarian and historian to their majesties King Dalyamar and Queen Sylvestria. Lord Gildor informed them that, "It was their majesties wish to eliminate some of the fear and misunderstanding of the 'Beloved Home' and its inhabitants. While at the same time maintaining our desired privacy."

    Authors Note: Much of Telperion is based off/influenced by the EvermeetTM supplement for the Forgotten Realms Campaign setting.

  2. Geography: Telperion and its smaller companion island, Taramir (translates roughly to 'Mountainous Island' from high Elvish), lie approximately 500 miles west of the Seynorean city of Vhalzein. Telperion is a heavily forested island, home to nearly every non-tropical species of tree on Ghoraja Juun. From majestic oaks, to towering red woods, to the extremely rare gildon, these great forests cover approximately 75-80% of the island.

    While numerous small glades and clearings abound throughout the forests, there are but two larges areas mostly devoid of trees. One of these clearings surrounds the city of Raedis, located on the western shore of a deep bay. The other encompasses the Taydarin capital city of Arvandor. In these clearings various herds of live stock and horses are raised and farming is done.

    There is a sizeable range of hills on the western side of Telperion, what little actual mining the Taydarin elves do takes place in here. On the eastern side of the island is the Bay if Fyngold, named for the most famous of all Taydarin captains. The approaches and entrance to this bay are guarded by a vast maze of coral reefs. On the southernmost tip of the island is a vast marsh comprised of floating islets, grottoes, etc. It is nearly as complex a maze as that guarding the Bay of Fyngold. Located in the north central part of the island is Lake Teleri (Beloved Water). The lake is crystal clear and abundantly stocked with various fresh water fish, though the Taydarins view it as a holy place and do not fish in it. A large, peaceful river, for which the elves have no apparent name for, flows south from Lake Teleri through the marsh and out into the sea. A second river flows east of the hills and joins the first river near the center of the island. A fortified tower occupies a small island directly in the center of the convergence of the two rivers.

    Taramir is vastly different from its larger counterpart. The island is almost completely covered with various ranges of hills and mountains. it is a vast source of minerals and precious metals. There are several small groves of trees scattered along the northern, western, and southern coasts. There are several sea caves hidden along the eastern shoreline, and the Taydarins fiercely guard their locations. They use these caves to hide ships and for access to various mines.

  3. Weather: Despite what many might think, the weather on Telperion and Taramir is not eternally perfect. The islands fell the effects of all four seasons, just to lesser extent. This is due to a combination of abnormally warm currents that surround the islands, and the influence of ancient Taydarin magic.

    The temperature rarely rises above 80° in the height of summer, and rarely drops below 35° in winter. The average temperature on Telperion is roughly 65°, with only a slight drop on Taramir except at extreme heights in the mountains.

  4. Notable Personages: See Personalities page
  5. Inhabitants: Though Telperion is recognized as the homeland of the Taydarin elves, an exact census on its inhabitants has never been done. It is estimated that approximately 100-120,000 elves make their homes on the two islands. See the Taydarin entry under "Races" for more information.
    1. Other Elven Sub-races - There is a small enclave of Maydarin elves living in Raedis and two small clans of Syndarin elves living in the forests.
    2. Voadkyn (Wood Giants) - Several large families of Voadkyn make their home on Telperion. Approximately 50-60 of these creatures dwell in the vast forests. They can typically be found in the company of the Syndarin elf clans. The Voadkyn have an agreement with the elves to assist in the defense of the island in exchange for small quantities of gems and magical items.
    3. Centaurs - Several tribes (herds) of these man-horse hybrids patrol the forests of Telperion. They generally keep to themselves, though they will at times join the elves in some of their celebrations. They also have an agreement with the elves to help in the defense of the island.
    4. Brownies, Faerie Dragons, Dryads, Leprechauns, Nymphs, Satyrs, Sprites, Pixies, Nixies, etc. - Various amounts of these creatures dwell across Telperion (and to a limited extent on Taramir). For the most part they keep to themselves, though they will at times join the elves in various celebrations. Some, especially the Faerie Dragons and Leprechauns, love to play various tricks on the elves. The Taydarins generally take these tricks with good humor, as long as they don't get excessive.
    5. Treants (Ents) - Several treants and two of their more ancient and powerful cousins dwell among the forests of Telperion. The elves know of the tree shepherds, but rarely bother them except in the most dire of circumstances. The treants and ents do not hesitate to assist in the defense of the island.
    6. Unicorns and Pegasus - Both of the herds of these beautiful creatures are ruled by a unique being, Kabayo, an ebony Unicorn-Pegasus hybrid created by Elvaara. Both herds take an active part in defending the island(s), acting as both aerial and regular cavalry mounts for the elves.
    7. Dwarves - In approximately 2345 AG a small clan of Stone Dwarves, Clan StormHammer, fleeing from an orc horde who had overwhelmed their clanhold, found their way through the Realm Below into the vast cavern complex beneath the mountains of Taramir. The managed to collapse/block/barricade all of the entrances to the Realm Below and save what remained of the clan. They had dwelled on Taramir for several years before being discovered by a Taydarin patrol destined for one of the giant eagle aeries.
  6. Defenders of the Realm: Telperion and Taramir have a vast array of defenses both magical and mundane. There are aerial, ground and naval forces as well as other special guardians unique to the islands. The Taydarins take the defense of theor homeland very seriously, and will do whatever they deem necessary to keep it safe.
    1. Naval Forces - The Taydarin elves are the finest sailors in the world, and the quality of their ships bears this out. One on one a Taydarin Raptor class warship can easily defeat any other normal warship afloat. The Taydarin nave is quite large, and ships constantly patrol the waters around the islands as well as escorting merchants across Ghoraja Juun.

      In dire need merchant ships will be outfitted with weapons and join the true warships in defense of the islands.

      1. "Raptor" Class - These are the largest of any Taydarin vessels. Only seven of these huge ships exist. Raptors are long (500') and broad (90-100'), armored ships, treated with a special substance that helps the hull blend into its surroundings. The sails are also specially crafted so that they shift colors to match that of the current sky. The bowsprit of each ship is in the shape of a great predator and give each ship its name (Common language equivalents listed here: Osprey, Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Wolverine, Sea Lion, White Wolf, and Griffon). They are heavily armed, carrying a complement of 3-5 large, 4-6 medium, and 6-8 small deck weapons as well as a heavy ram. They may carry up to 500 marines. Raptors typically carry 2-3 specially designed scout ships in custom designed cargo holds. They have the ability to move without wind or oar power for limited periods of time. The process behind this ability is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Taydarin military.

        Typically 2 Raptors patrol the Bay of Fyngold at all times.
      2. "Corsair" Class - These are the workhorses of the Taydarin navy. While no where near as large as the Raptor class ships, the corsairs (150' length, 30-40' beam) are more than a match for any but the largest ships of other nations. The sails on these ships typically bear the the symbol(s) of whatever noble house sponsored its commission. They often have bowsprits of elaborate design. The Corsairs usually are armed with 3-5 large, 2 medium deck weapons, a ram, and a complement of up to 50 marines.
      3. "Manta" Class - These are the smallest (90' length x 25' beam) true warships of the Taydarin navy. They most closely resemble Viking long ships. They are capable of great speeds with either oars or sails. Like most items crafted by Taydarins these ships have intricate bowsprits and are often covered with various runes and glyphs. Manta class ships are typically armed with a medium catapult and a single ballista. They may also carry a complement of up to 20 marines.
      4. "Dolphin" Class - These are small, very fast boats used for scouting and patrols in and around Telperion and Taramir. Though capable of making extended sea journeys, they rarely venture far from the coasts. Up to three specially designed Dolphin class boats (often referred to as "Porpoises") can be carried aboard the great Raptor class vessels to be used as scouts and emergency life boats. These boats have reinforced hulls in order to survive the often rough waters of the open sea and are often armed with 2 light ballistas.
      5. Taydarin Marines - Taydarin marines typically wear chainmail (land-based) or leather (at sea) and are armed with short sword, dagger, cudgel (belaying pin), and longbow.
      6. Taydarin 'Sea Dragon' (Elite) Marines - The elite marines typically wear chainmail (land-based) or leather (at sea) and are armed with long sword, dagger, spear, cudgel (belaying pin), and long bow.
    2. Aerial Forces - These specialized troops, typically mounted on either griffons, giant eagles or pegasi are key in the defense of the Taydarin homeland. They give the Taydarins the ability harass, attack or assault an enemy long before they ever reach the shores. They also serve as a early warning system.
      1. Giant Eagle Riders - The smallest contingent of the aerial wing of the Taydarin military, only the bravest, most adventuresome (or perhaps crazy) sign on to be Sevanyr Ny'Fyr (The Wind Riders). The bond between a giant eagle and its rider, once formed, cannot be broken.
      2. Pegasi Cavalry - The Aerivan Tylanin (Winged Defenders) are the largest group of aerial cavalry the Taydarins can call upon. Rumored to be nearly 750 strong, the members of this group are easily identifiable. In their gold-colored chainmail and white tabards emblazoned with a pegasus in flight, the are an impressive site. The members are fiercely proud, and carry an almost arrogant air about them. This is merely a front used in public to impress others.
      3. Griffon Riders - The Veris Ny'Rilhanyr (Blades of the Sky) are the elite of the Taydarian aerial forces. Only the most skilled riders can handle the powerful griffons. These griffons are specially bred in aeries on Taramir without the natural affinity for horse meat. Members of the Veris Ny'Rilhanyr are bonded to their griffons shortly after its birth. Many of these riders have spent time in service as a royal guard.
      4. Dragon Riders - One of the most closely guarded secrets is the existence of the Llaseen Sevanyr (Wyrm Riders). There are but five dragons and their riders remaining. They wait, passing time in a magically induced sleep, in a vast set of caverns deep in the hills of Telperion. The caverns are hidden and protected by powerful magics. Only the King and Queen and a few of their closest advisors know of them. These unique tandems of beast and rider are the results of a pact forged long ago between the lost dragon gods and Seldarine. The Llaseen Sevanyr are called upon in only the most dire of circumstances, and have not seen duty since early in the Gods Fall wars.

        The riders wear specially crafted plate armor that resembles the colored scales of their mount. There is a unique bond between the dragons and their riders. The bond is so strong that one will sacrifice their lives to save the other. If one of the pair should perish, often the other will follow them into death a short time later.

        The remaining dragons are of the following 'species': Gold, Crystal, Blue, Cloud, Copper
    3. Ground Forces - Though they maintain a relatively small standing army, the Taydarins are well trained and well-equipped. A relatively small number of soldiers are active year-round, the rest remain on-call but will train 3-5 times/year for 3 week periods.
      1. Taydarian Warrior - Wears chainmail and is armed with dagger, short bow and other weapons of choice.
      2. Taydarian 'Elite' - Wears chainmail and is armed with long sword, dagger, long bow and other weapons of choice.
      3. Taydarian Archer - Wears chainmail and is armed with long bow (specialized), short sword, dagger and other weapons of choice.
      4. Taydarian Knight - Wears platemail or plate armor and is armed with lance, long bow, dagger and other weapons of choice. They are typically mounted on specially bred warhorses.
      5. Illesan Tylanin (Royal Guards) - Wears plate mail and armed with halberd (specialized), short sword, dagger, long bow.
      6. Unicorn Riders - The only all female unit among the Taydarin military forces. The Unicorn Riders are among the most respected of all Taydarin warriors. These women view themselves as the queen's personal guard. A troop of them will escort the queen on any excursion outside the palace walls. Each unicorn serves three years and may then make the decision to remain with the unit or return to the forests. Many of the riders have forged strong bonds with their mounts.
      7. Taydarin Ranger - Wears elven chainmail or leather armor and is armed with long bow, dagger and other weapons of choice.
      8. Centaurs - The Cwelldarin (Horse people) are the Taydarin's staunchest allies. These creatures generally act as scouts, skirmishers and light cavalry.
      9. Pixies and Sprites - Used primarily as scouts and spies, these tiny sylvan creatures will harass the enemy with hit and run tactics.
      10. Treants/Ents - The Findela 'Lorin (Forest Shepherds) are among the oldest and most powerful allies the Taydarins have. Should Telperion come under attack these ancient creatures would rouse themselves from their frequent slumber and summon their non-sentient cousins to battle.
  7. Notable Places: The islands of Telperion and Taramir are home to many unique and interesting locations.
    1. Arvandor - The capital city of the Taydarin nation, Arvandor is a city of beautiful crystal towers that seem to almost have been grown from the earth rather than built. The city lies at the center of one of the two large clearings on Telperion. The area around the city is covered by beautifully kept farmland, and fenced in grazing areas. Most of the major noble houses maintain homes in the city, though many have villas located across the island.

      Arvandor is laid out in a five-pointed star pattern, with the royal palace located precisely in the center of the city. It is surrounded by various governmental offices and temples to various deities. The city is surrounded by 30' walls of gleaming white marble. Immense glassteel gates are set into cunningly designed gate houses at each 'point' of the star. Beautiful parks and gardens occupy a sizeable ring within the city walls. There are also smaller parks and gardens amidst the temples and other larger buildings.
    2. Raedis - This city lies on a peninsula jutting out from the western shore of the Bay of Fyngold, and is the one place on Telperion where outsiders are welcomed. Like Arvandor, Raedis is also surrounded by vast farmlands and pastures. The tree line begins approximately 25-30 miles from the city walls. On approach to the city, two buildings immediately catch one's eye. The temple of Elvaara, whose golden spire gleams in the sun, and the Fortress Eroth, which rests on a promontory overlooking the entire bay. Raedis is home to all embassies of other nations and only here may they meet with various governmental officials.

      Raedis is the headquarters of the Taydarin military. On the southern shore of the peninsula is a vast shipyard and docks, shared by both the navy and the various merchant families. Large storehouses and other commerce-related structures are nearby. The innermost areas of the city are dominated by houses and villas of the various merchants as well as administrative buildings for the military.
    3. Shienar (The Blue Tower) - This tower rests on a small island at the junction of the two main rivers on Telperion. It is built from a blue-veined marble (from which it gets its name). The tower is 50' high and 40' in diameter, the top is crenellated and sports 3 heavy ballista's mounted on swivel bases which give them a 120° firing arc. A garrison of 50 elite Taydarin soldiers occupy the tower at all times. These troops are rotated every four weeks. The island itself is barren except for the tower and a small retractable pier.
    4. Field of the Fallen - Deep within the northern forests of, somewhere east of Lake Teleri, lies a large glade. In the center of the glade surrounded by a circle of standing stones lies a shrine to all those who have fallen in the defense of Telperion. The glade is closely guarded by a tribe of centaurs and a troop of Taydarin rangers.

      The shrine is actually the stump of a fallen gildon tree. The stump has been covered in various runes, glyphs, and symbols. In the light of a full moon the spirits of those who have fallen sometimes return to the field to visit those who still dwell in the Beloved Home.
    5. Druid Grove - Along the northern shore of Lake Teleri, just inside the tree line, lies the sacred grove of Taydarin druids. While primarily devoted to Elvaara, Huurdaan and Khurne are also worshipped here. Shrines to the lost deities of the Seldarine are also maintained in hopes that they may one day return to Ghoraja Juun.

      The outskirts of the grove are a ring of magical oak trees whose various limbs and branches entwine to keep those unwanted from entering. Within the ring is a sparkling fountain which empties into a small pool. The water within the pool is the equivalent of Sweetwater, and highly prized. A towering (300') golden maple grows in the center of the ring. At its base lies a simple hut, seemingly grown directly from the trunk, the home of High Druid of Telperion.

      There are always at least 2-3 druids tending the grove, as well as various animals that the druids have befriended. Another of the primary guardians of the grove is a great silver-coated dire wolf.
    6. HammerHold - Somewhere amidst the mountains of Taramir lies the hidden and heavily guarded entrance to the home of Clan StormHammer. The resources beneath the island are vast and the dwarves have barely made a scratch in them. The Taydarins maintain several griffon and giant eagle aeries in various locations on the surface.
  8. Taydarin Language Lexicon - Below is a limited list of Taydarin (High Elven) words and there common tongue equivalents.
High Elven Common High Elven Common High Elven Common
tel beloved syn wood(s) / tree(s) nar tower
perion home drialys crown quessil enchantment / magic
tara island veris blade zar mage(s) / wizard(s)
mir mountain(ous) ny' of the / the fyr wind
eri water / aquatic lera company sevanyr rider(s)
darin people rilyth heart aerivan winged
tay sea lorin forest tylanin defender(s) / guard(s)
may high veantyr hawk rilhanyr sky
nay not / non caris talon / claw llaseen wyrm(s) / dragon(s)
illesan royal cwell horse findela shepherd
sytheran fiend(s) / demon(s) yuloth bane / scourge    


(Background | Geography | Weather | Notable Personages | Inhabitants | Defenders of the Realm | Notable Places | Taydarin Lexicon)

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