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Chyronn (Lord Chaos, Lord of Destruction, Lord of the Tempest, the Storm Lord, the Stormstar)

Divine Rank/Status: Greater Power
Symbol: Chaos Star/Arrow
Home Plane - Demesne: Acheron - Stormgaard
Superior: None
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Disasters, Orcs, Giants & other evil humanoids, Storms
Alignment: CE
Avatar Appearance: - A huge, powerfully built, bare-chested man. With long, perpetually wind-blown, jet-black hair and green eyes. Wearing heavy, leather pants and sandals, carrying a spear that crackles with lightning.

- A storm giant

- A swarm of cascading lightning bolts

- A pulsating chaos star/arrow

Cleric Alignments: Any non-lawful
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Fury, Orc, Storm, War, Weather, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Spear
Major Houses of Worship: Stormhaven
Militant Orders: Knights of the Tempest, The Storm Wardens
History & Relationships: Though arguably one of, if not the most powerful gods of Ghoraja Juun, Chyronn is considered somewhat of a joke among his fellow deities. He is arrogant, impetuous, over-reactive, short-sited and at times downright stupid. Syth and Darkjoye have a sort of unofficial contest going about who can get the most ridiculous response out of him.

During the Gods Fall Wars Chyronn was responsible for the destruction of numerous deities. With aid from Barrakis, he destroyed Gruumsh and most of the other Orc gods. He slew several of the Giant deities, and stole the Frost Giant portfolio from Bhoryaal.

His relationship with Falkyr is strained at best, due to some unknown, past contention between them. Elvaara utterly frustrates him, Chyronn is simply unable to figure out how to deal with her. He hates Zur with unrivalled passion due to the battles they fought near the end of the Gods Fall Wars. He still seethes and grumbles over the loss of his Hob-Goblin worshippers to Nâzar, though has yet to try and get them back.
Dogma: TBD

* References Forgotten RealmsTM domains

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