Hobart High School Class of 1956

Memorial Page
Memorial Page
Roster Page
Missing Classmates
55th Reunion Information
55th Responses
Reunion History

In 1985 the Class of 1956 established a memorial fund to pay tribute to classmates who have died since our graduation on May 29, 1956.    Below you will find the names of our departed classmates and  memorials.


Jack Jablonski                            2-1-04
Dolores Johnson                        12-97
Irene (Alexander ) Balog               12-08 
Anna Andrews                                         
Jeanine (Bailey) Mikuta           11-30-03
Barney Barncord                       7-30-2008
Jim Beech                                      9-16-04
Terry W Bogan                                   1996
Jerry Binkley
Sally Chaney                               01-14-75
Garland Claxton
Dennis Comer                                  12-97
Joann Crocker                                  1957
Mary E Czilli                                  2-28-97
Raymond Daves                          6-11-80
Bob Davis                                    11-18-97
Gordon Dickson                           6-10-00
Jacqueline Douthitt May
Don Erbe                                       1-17-73
Regina Evans
Jim Fleming                                   9-17-01
Russell Wayne Flick                    11-02-10
Rae Gabrielli Morris                    12-7-04
Russell Garriott                                  9-80
Virginia (Groover) Back
Richard Gurband                          3/06/07
Jerry Hahney                                      7/63
Cathy Hanna
James A Henson                         8-25-04
Eugene Hopkins                          3-31-83
John F Horn                                 7-19-06
Thelma Hubbell                            1-19-98
Betty Kaiser                                    1973
Jerry Kemp                              12-12-92
Kareen (Kienly) Stanley         2-08-06  
Shirlee Kittredge                       7-22-91
Don Kovel                                  9-14-01
Courtland Kramer                    5-28-85
Judith Krause Jones               7-09-07
James Loomis
Tom McDonald                        8-25-10
Donna McIntyre                       10-6-09
Delores (McLarin) Hoyne     12-20-04
Robert John Meiselbar           3-29-06 
James Murray                           3-29-89
Michael Osiel                             5-27-00
Manfred Osterrode                        6-91
Nora (Packham) Richard       5-24-02
Wayne (Sonny) Pavel              2-6-04
Dominici                                    2-20-02
Waldo Popenhagan                 6-09-05
Marian Prihoda                       10/14/09
Rosalie (Roach) Coffman     9-24-00
Jean (Schoppa) Hulse             4-8-99
Bob Shepard                              8-4-82
Jerry Smith                              2-20-08
Lynana (Strom) Anderson    
Anna Mae Tackett                12-29-92
Pauline (Thomason) 
Dobrolowski                              1-9-04
Mary Ann Tuzinski  Janes   9-12-93 
Eleanor (Wilson) Lambert       01-07
Patricia (Mulcahey) Persuhn  8-23-10
Leo Wronko                               10-07
Eugene Zromkoski                5-15-92



Site by the Library

Lamp Post Plaque

Plaque on Band Shell Rock

The Rock at the Band Shell

Back wall of the Art

Red Star Marks Class Name

Memorial Brick

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