I have three AKC /CKC registered Newfoundland's, my females names are, Mollie and Mandy. Mollie is
a Black and White Landseer that was born in February 2005. Mandy, is a Bronze, with Landseer markings, she was born July
2008. My male is a Bronze with white markings born in January 2007. We have 25 fenced acers that my three Newfies have
the run of. Also with them are my 5 Nubian- Boer goats and two Haflinger horses. Yes, these dogs do great with goats
and horses. Part of the area is only accessable to the dogs and goats. We also have 4 riding donkeys. But they are not good
with dogs so they do nut have the same area as everybody elese.
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