Puppy vaccinations are very important
for the health of your puppy, your puppies immunity must be built up by giving them a series of shots. Your puppy has already
at least their first set of shots, and it up to you to see that the rest are given to your pup.
"According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinations series given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year
with a MLV, puppies and kitten program memory cells that survive for life, providing lifelong immunity."
The vaccines are not at maximum effectiveness until the pup reaches four months. Pups under four months should be contained
and or quarantined from other dogs, traveling, and stress. This will reduce the chance of a contagious diseases, viruses,
parasites, and or fungus. Please follow through with this vaccination schedule to save yourself from the heartache of sickness
that can debilitate and even take your pups life.
Puppy Illnesses Explained
Bordetellosis-Kennel Cough: Bordetella bronchiseptica
is the most common bacteria isolated from dogs with respiratory disease. It is also a major component of a disease commonly
called Kennel Cough. Viruses such as adenovirus type 2 and parainfluenza may also play a part in this disease. Bordetella
causes a respiratory infection that is spread by breathing in respiratory secretions from coughing, infected dogs. The most
common symptom is a dry, hacking, nonproductive cough which can be followed by gagging or retching. The cough usually lasts
1 to 3 weeks but it can take months for infected dogs to completely eliminate the bacteria from their lungs. Infected dogs
need to be immediately isolated from other dogs. Depending on the severity of their disease they may need to be treated with
antibiotics and cough suppressants. Thoroughly disinfect their cages, food and water bowls and anything else they have been
in contact with.
What is Coccidiosis? Coccidiosis is a Protozoan – a one-celled animal. It is not
visible to the naked eye, but is visible under a microscope. It is easy
to identify in fecal flotations. Cocci usually produce infection in young kittens and puppies, but adult pets can be affected.
How is it transmitted? Transmission occurs from animal to animal through feces that contain ocysts. Other animals can
act as an intermediate or transport host. The entire life cycle lasts one week. Cocci can be found in the stools without causing
any problems until a stress factor causes an outbreak. What are the symptoms? Diarrhea is the main sign. In
severe cases the feces are mucus like and bloody. It can be complicated by a loss of appetite, weakness, dehydration and anemia.
What is the treatment? Medications
Albon®, Bactrovet®, or Tribrissen®, are the main treatments for coccidiosis. I treat all
pups with albon or corid before they leave. But don’t be surprised if when you take your pup to the vet and they say
it has coccidiosis, when they leave what they are used to they get stressed, and the coccidiosis comes back.
Corona virus is a much less severe gastro-intestinal
disease then parvovirus and it causes disease primarily in puppies. Some puppies can get both corona and parvo at the same
time, and in these pups, the disease is very severe. The primary symptoms include fever, depression, vomiting and diarrhea.
Puppies infected with corona virus alone, will tend to recover within several days. Some dogs will continue to carry corona
virus without showing any symptoms, and these dogs will be a source of infection to other dogs within the kennel. Treatment:
includes management of fluid and electrolyte balance.
Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immune system and result in lesser
immunity for each individual disease as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is
only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A&M have only diagnosed one case each in the
last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adult dogs.
Distemper: Canine distemper is caused by a virus, which does not live long outside of
the dog. It is primarily transmitted by contact with respiratory secretions from an infected dog, but it can be found in all
body secretions. The disease is highly contagious and commonly causes death. The disease is most common in puppies from 3
- 6 months of age. The initial symptoms resemble a mild cold and may even go unnoticed. Several days later, infected dogs
will have discharge from their eyes and nose, depression, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Puppies, who survive through
the initial disease, will commonly develop seizures 1 - 3 weeks later. In most dogs the seizures will get progressively worse,
until the puppy succumbs to the disease. Puppies who survive may have incomplete development of their teeth, thickened footpads
and may develop seizures later in life. Distemper should be treated by a Veterinarian. The best prevention is vaccination.
What is Giardiasis? Giardiasis
is an intestinal infection caused by a parasitic
protozoan (single celled organism) called Giardia lamblia. These protozoans are found in the intestines of many animals, including
dogs and humans. This microscopic parasite clings to the surface of the intestine, or floats free in the mucous lining the
intestine. Veterinary research documents suggest that 5% to 10% of all dogs in North America have giardiasis at any given
time. Surveys also show that about 14% of the adult dog population and over 30% of dogs under one year of age were infected
at some point during their life, and thus contributed to passing along this intestinal infection to other dogs. Another Vet
research article suggests that 100% of kennel dogs, 50% of pups, and 10% of well cared for dogs carry giardia. How is it transmitted? Giardia lives and reproduces in the small intestine of host animals.
Giardia trophzoites, the free-living stage
of the organism, form infective cysts that are passed out in the feces. If the cysts are present in a wet or damp environment
they can survive in a viable state for a few weeks to several months. Giardia infections are transmitted via ingestion of trophozoites or cysts in contaminated water
or food. If a giardia cyst is ingested, the cyst wall is broken down during the digestive process and the trophozoite stage
begins to colonize the upper small intestine. Transmission also occurs by direct contact, especially with a symptomatic carriers.
More recently, giardiasis has also been recognized as being able to be sexually transmitted. Giardia is so prevalent throughout
North America because it is highly contagious. The ingestion of as few as one or more giardia cysts may cause the disease,
as contrasted to most bacterial illnesses where hundreds to thousands of organisms must be consumed to produce illness. What are the symptoms:
Clinical signs range from to mild recurring diarrhea consisting of soft, light-colored stools, to acute
explosive diarrhea in severe cases. Other signs associated with giardiasis are weight loss, listlessness, fatigue, mucus in
the stool, and anorexia. What is the treatment? You can treat with
Metronidazole or Flagyl, 11.5
to 15 mg/lb twice a day for 7-10 days.
Hepatitis-Adenovirus Type I: Infectious Canine Hepatitis is caused by Type 1 adenovirus,
which is fairly resistant to inactivation. The virus that attacks the tonsils, lymph nodes and then the liver. It is shed
in all body secretions, but more commonly by urine. Transmission is by contact with contaminated objects. This virus does
not cause human hepatitis. The most common symptoms are fever, depression, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. In a small
number of infected dogs, the virus can localize in the eye, causing a whiteness or cloudiness of the eye. Vaccines are available
which can effectively prevent this disease. Most of the vaccines, however, contain adenovirus type 2, which still protects
against type 1 infections, but eliminating possible side effects of cloudy eyes which can be seen, rarely, with adenovirus
type 1 vaccines.
Parainfluenza-Adenovirus Type II: This virus causes a mild respiratory tract infection.
It is transmitted through contact with oral and nasal secretions. Common symptoms include fever, nasal discharge, and a dry
hacking cough. The disease by itself, is usually mild and brief, however, in some cases it can progress into a more serious
pneumonia. Vaccines are available to effectively prevent this disease. Two types of canine adenovirus type 2 vaccines are
available, an injectible form and also as a nasal spray, as part of a "kennel cough" vaccine.
Parvovirus: Parvo is extremely resistant to inactivation and can persist in the environment
for years. They are also resistant to most commonly used disinfectants. The virus is spread in the feces which contaminates
the environment. It can be transported on the hair or feet of infected dogs as well as on the hands and shoes of people. Dogs
become infected by ingesting the virus which then attacks the intestinal tract, white blood cells, and in very young dogs,
heart muscle. Common symptoms include severe diarrhea (bloody), vomiting, listlessness, depression, loss of appetite, and
high fever. Some infected pups get very sick, very quickly, with the only symptoms seen being severe depression, gasping for
breath and sudden death. Left untreated, many pups will die within 48 to 72 hours after onset of symptoms. This disease is
highly contagious and once established in a kennel it can be very difficult to eliminate. Treatment for Parvovirus includes
correcting dehydration and electrolyte imbalances along with hospitalization. Treating the environment with a 10% or greater
chlorine bleach solution is effective but harsh. Vaccination is the best preventative. Vaccinate pups at 8-12-16 weeks and
annually thereafter.
Leptospirosis- Lepto is caused by bacteria, which is shed in the urine of infected animals.
Transmission occurs through direct contact with the skin or oral mucous membranes. Leptospirosis infects many different species
of animals including people. The disease can vary a lot in severity but common symptoms include high fever, depression, jaundice,
bleeding, vomiting, and lower back pain. It can lead to serious kidney disease with decreased urine volume, collapse and death.
There are several different serovars of Leptospirosis which can infect dogs some are spread by rodents, others by wildlife
and livestock. Treatment consists of antibiotics, fluid replacement and controlling the vomiting. An untreated animal that
recovers can become a carrier and shed the disease for up to a year. There are four strains of Leptospirosis. The available
vaccines will protect against the more common strains. Most vets do NOT recommend vaccinating young puppies for lepto.
Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs. Most of the clinical cases of
lepto reported in dogs in the US are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The vaccines contain different
serovaars eanicola and
Ictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not
provided and protection is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.
Worms: Hooks, rounds, whips, heart worms, tapes and ear mites. Worms are something you
will dealing with all your dog life. There are many great wormers out there to choose from, the main thing is that you keep
using them. Hooks and rounds are easily treated with most wormers including over the counter wormers sold at places like Wal-Mart.
Whip worms are a little harder to deal with. Safe Guard, Panacure, and Ivomectin products are the best for these. You can
find these at your vet or local feed stores. Ivomectin injectable cattle wormer can be used as a monthly dewormmer by mouth.
It treats all worms including heart worms. Some breeds of dogs cannot tolerate it so check with your vet and make sure that
is appropriate and compatible with all of your dogs. Ivomectin will also treat ear mites and is much quicker and easier than
some other earmite treatments. Tape Worms are a byproduct of fleas, if your pup has fleas it probably has tapes. The best
medicine for that is Droncit, you will need to get it from a vet.
Flea Treatments: Revolution can only be gotten from a vet and covers all worms including
heart worms, fleas, ticks and ear mites. There is also Frontline, Frontline plus, and several other brands of internal and
external flea treatments available. Discus this with your vet to find out which one is right for you and your new puppy.