WeeSmall Chihuahuas Kennel

About Chihuahua Coloring

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About Chihuahua Coloring
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Chihuahua colorings range from fawns to chocolates to blacks and reds.  There are brindles (stripes like a tiger cat) and blues and tris and chocolate-tris and spots and everything imaginable.  There are also genes which dilute the existing coloring of the dog into a somewhat spotted dog, called merle coloring.  While nobody knows for sure where the "merling" gene came from, whether it was dormant all the time or crept in by another breed, the fact remains that merling has been in the Chihuahua genetics for enough generations that it is here to stay.  Both AKC and The Chihuahua Club now accept merled Chihuahuas.  I'll leave the debate for the genetic scientists and their wanna-be's to debate.  Our kennel offers two lines of Chihuahuas -- traditional and rare merling colorings, improving characteristics to show standards as we go.  We intend to keep the traditional, brindle and merle lines separated.

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