WeeSmall Chihuahuas Kennel

About Our Kennel

Current Puppies
New Litters
About our Males
About Our Kennel
About Chihuahua Coloring
About Selling to Breeders

There are many ideas of what is right and wrong with breeding dogs.  There are many who compare themselves with others to gain self-value.  I'm not concerned with competing with others or comparing myself and my kennel to varying standards; AKC's standards are strong enough to meet.  I'm interested in producing the best quality dog for your personal enjoyment and getting him off to a good start with things that are in my control.
To that end, we are providing our moms with what is considered "the best" food, Eukanuba puppy food, from conception to weaning.  We don't breed females under four pounds, and don't breed on the first heat.  We give them time to mature.  We're adding a 20'x30' addition to our home with natural lighting, a "play room", large kennels and a grooming facility.  Our dogs are maintained by all family members so they have all their needs met.  They are socialized by all family members from the two-year-old to the eldest (never mind HIS age!).  We freely give our dogs vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements and frequent the vet whenever we need.
Our emphasis is on producing "type" dogs with good body structure so your dog is healthier throughout it's life, not for our self-esteem booster.  You shouldn't have to pay excess vet bills because of a breeders' concern for their dollars spent at the puppies birth.

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