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If you're looking for information on how you can travel with your pet, check this out:
And for more info on the No Kill movement, please visit this site:
As all of my close friends can tell you, I am truly a vintage 45 freak.  If Ed's record collection in the HANDYMAN books makes you nostalgic for the genuine vinyl record experience, I strongly suggest you check out Thursday's Golden Goodies.  They've got almost everything -- in great condition and for reasonable prices.  It's an online must-stop for all vinyl geeks.
Going organic?  Check out Flint Ridge Farms Nursery and Herbs for unique organic gifts.
If you're on Facebook, and a friend of cats in need of good homes, I hope you'll click on this link.  
Allow me to hook you up with one of my favorite gay fiction writers, Nick Nolan.  To learn more about Nick and to purchase his awesome novela, Strings Attached and Double Bound, click on the link below.
If you're thinking about a visit to Ohio's Amish country in the eastern part of the state, please check out a superb Millersburg B&B, Hilltop Manor.  My friends Dan and Andy are the hosts.  Tell 'em Nick sent you, and they'll make sure your visit will be relaxing and memorable. 



This bear lives in captivity at the Toronto Zoo. There may come a day when that's the only way they can survive. Click HERE to see what you can do to help.

Nick Poff