John Jacob & Elizabeth (Bower) Tope
How we are related to this family:
It is possible that our Jacob Tope is either the grandson or grandnephew of Frederick Tope & Elizabeth Grammer. Jacob's father is unknown. Therefore, on the fourth generation page, the parents of Jacob are listed as "Unknown." Jacob TOPE married Keziah HICKAM. Their daughter, Kathryn Tope, married "Albert" Ross SMITH. Their son, Albert "Ross" Smith, married Emma Caroline PIRTLE. They had three children.
There is no documentation of how the Tope family migrated to Illinois. Many families arrived from Europe through the ports of New York, Philadelphia, and South Carolina. Looking for free and inexpensive farmland, they often migrated across southern Pennsylvania and Ohio to reach their final destinations. They sometimes floated down the Ohio River to go to states in the heartland. Other people went to North Carolina before migrating across the mountains into Tennessee and Kentucky. These are the possible routes that Frederick Tope, and perhaps one or more of his brothers used to come to Union County, IL.
Jacob TOPE was born on 4 Aug 1743 in Rhine River area of Germany.
He died about 1780 in Redstone, Pennsylvania.
John Jacob married Elizabeth BOWER about 1760. Elizabeth was born about 1740. She died about 1810 in Ohio.
John Jacob & Elizabeth had the following children.
John TOPE was born on 3 Mar 1761. He died on 12 Aug 1845. Nothing more is known about him.
George TOPE was born on 3 Mar 1761 in Maryland. He died on 26 Oct 1844. Nothing more is known about him.
TOPE, Sr. was born about 1768 in Harpers Ferry, Maryland. He died
on 1 Jun 1862 in Union County, IL. He is buried in Lindsey-Stearns
Cemetery, Jackson County, IL.
It is possible that Frederick received a homestead land grant in Union County, IL. There is a Frederick Tope in the courthouse records there who is listed as having been granted a homestead in Union County, IL in 1818.
Frederick married Elizabeth Ann "Betsy" GRAMMER, daughter of Jacob GRAMMER & Elizabeth HOPPER, about 1788 in Kentucky. Elizabeth was born about 1773 in Warren County, KY. She died about 1837 in Union County, IL.
Frederick and Elizabeth had the following children.
Mary TOPE was born about 1789 in Kentucky. Nothing more is known about her.
Joseph TOPE was born about 1791 in Kentucky. He died about 1795 in Kentucky. Nothing more is known about him.
Susannah TOPE was born about 1893 in Kentucky. Nothing more is known about her.
Elizabeth Ruth TOPE was born about 1795 in Kentucky. She died on 3 Apr 1846 in Union County, IL. Nothing more is known about her.
Jacob TOPE Click on his name for more information.
Malinda TOPE was born about 1797 in Kentucky. She died about 1875 in Union County, IL. Nothing more is known about her.
Barbara TOPE Click on her name for more information.
John TOPE was born about 1801 in Kentucky. Nothing more is known about him.
Frederick TOPE, Jr. Click on his name for more information.
William A. TOPE, Sr. Click on his name for more information.
George TOPE. Click on his name for more information.