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About Us

The Northwest Art Center is a haven and a hotbed of creativity. This hotbed develops when risks are taken, new ideas are stimulated, and brainstorm sessions go from conventional to wildly fantastical. The Art Center is simultaneously a haven where students form lasting friendships with other artists and a deep relationship of trust with their teachers and mentors. We want everyone, everywhere to realize that they can create something amazing. It’s what happens everyday at the Northwest Art Center.

Susan Jenkins, former owner and current executive director of the Northwest Art Center, believes passionately that every child should have the opportunity to engage in the art process. By starting at the preschool and elementary level, children learn to become critical thinkers, keen observers, and innovators. Students’ ideas are of primary importance at the Art Center where kids are treated as future leaders. When teachers reward ideas, it encourages students to dream about the future. They are challenged to take risks in a supportive environment. Art encourages us to notice the world around us; it fosters curiosity, wonder and imagination.

Classes are available from preschool through adult level specializing in drawing, painting, and pottery.

For more information about the Art Center, please visit the following link to an article in the River Current News June 21, 2007 issue. Scroll down to page six! Paint, Passion, and Perseverance by Lisa Bailey.

The Northwest Art Center is located in the downtown area of the city of Duvall, Washington, USA, which is a small city of 5,845 people. Named after James Duvall, a logger, who homesteaded here in 1871, Duvall is on SR-203, approximately 25 miles northeast of Seattle, halfway between Monroe and Carnation, Washington. Just follow the bald eagles.

We are a small, yet diverse city, rich in history and tradition. Our residents represent many walks of life and an exciting cross section of occupations and cultures.

Susan Jenkins is the former owner and current executive director of the Northwest Art Center. An award-winning artist, she has taught art classes for the Riverview School District for six years. During that time she has also offered drawing and watercolor classes through her home studio. Through Riverview's Parade Program, she has also taught photography classes. Susan has exhibited her watercolor paintings locally at the Woodridge Gallery and at the Northwest Art Center. As a commissioned artist, she has sold paintings and fiber art pieces to both private and commercial collections. Susan has a B.A. from Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Susan can be reached at
Sarah Westfall is enjoying being back in the Northwest after receiving a bachelors degree from Brigham Young University-Idaho. She studied interior design for three years and then changed her major to art, with an emphasis in art history. Sarah spent most of her childhood taking art classes from another local art studio where she learned to love art. Eventually she became an art teacher's assistant at that studio and came to especially enjoy teaching children art.
Sarah can be reached at
Melanie Pollon has been working with clay for over 10 years and has been an instructor at NWAC for two years. She enjoys both handbuilding and throwing on the potters’ wheel as well as experimenting with various glazing techniques, different clays and firing temperatures. She works out of her home studio and participates in local art shows. She lives in the Duvall/Woodinville area with her husband and two school-age boys.
Melanie can be reached at
Melanie Pollon
Carol Barksdale Gould, resident pottery guru, brings alive the “magic of mud” with her 15 years of teaching experience and innovative, enthusiastic style. Long time valley resident, Carol owns and operates Terra Nova Pottery Studio in Duvall and teaches in the Riverview School Parade Program. She enjoys the creative challenges of her career, working with 125 students a week, ages 6 to 66 in seven subjects. Carol has a B.A. in Studio Art & Theatre Directing & Design and a Masters in Education. Carol Gould