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Mentor Program
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Mentor Program

How can you make art an essential part of your life? Learn how to be an artist from a successful artist. It is no longer true that you can’t make money as an artist. The world is changing: manufacturing jobs are being outsourced overseas and in the United States, ideas are quickly becoming our most important commodity. To be valuable, ideas need to be substantiated. How is this done? At the Northwest Art Center we have created a mentor program that offers all the tools necessary, whether you want to attend a prestigious art school or you simply want to build your artistic momentum.

Mentor students receive extensive supervision while creating a compelling portfolio, photographing it, and applying to the top art schools in the nation. One of the requirements of the program is to create a community service project. Students are encouraged to connect other interests in their lives with art. This kind of project is a potent addition to a student’s college application and yet it is so much more. The opportunity to create and implement an in-depth project is deeply satisfying, and the chance to make a significant difference in the lives of others is enormously rewarding.

This exclusive program is available by selection only. The following outlines the services that are provided in this 12 month program. Cost is $60 a month.

Mentor Students receive:
  • Access to and direction from a team of teachers
  • Monthly meetings with a mentor
  • Guidance in building a portfolio of compelling pieces
  • Use of our studio, access to our expertise and connections
  • Assistance in preparing for competitions
  • Exposure to managing public art projects
  • Ability to audit classes when the student is enrolled in one class
  • Guidance in photographing and producing slides of work
  • Researching art college choices
  • Opportunities to participate and supervise community art projects
  • Create and implement community service art projects
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Personal inquiries to colleges
  • Advice on applications, essays, portfolio

Mentor Program Application